Saturday, December 15, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

After the horrible evens of yesterday I thought of this poem.
It was written some 30 years ago, but fits my mind set for
today and I hope will help you as well.

We don't always understand
Why things happen as they do.
We don't have to understand,
If we believe God will see us through.

We don't have all the answers,
To this world filled with pain,
But we don't have to know the answers,
If we believe heaven is our gain.

When our path is darkened,
And we can't see the light of day,
Just look around for Jesus,
He can't be far away.

He asks us to trust Him for his love and mercy
And not try to understand,
But lift our eyes to heaven,
And hold to His unchanging hand!

Freda Fullerton
December 15, 2012

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