Saturday, April 7, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Day Seven, in the last week of the life of Jesus.
After the quick burial of Jesus, His followers took the Sabbath Day off
and rested like the law required. It is hard for us as Christians to come to
terms with the concept that Jesus was a Jew, not only by birth, but by faith
as well. He kept all the Jewish laws , including the Sabbath. This is a postcard
of Nazareth, the city where He grew up and was obedient to His parents and
His Jewish faith.

The Sabbath by law,
Was a day of rest.
Jesus followers sadly waited
To finish with their quest.

They wanted only to attend Him
And rest was hard to bear,
For the Savior was in a tomb
And they wanted to be there.

They anxiously waited,
Until the Sunday's dawn
To fulfill their duty,
To the tomb they were drawn.

They prepared their spices,
As they said their prayers,
Asking God to guide them
For their leader was no longer there.

Freda Fullerton
April 7, 2012

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