Friday, April 13, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our daughter, Janet, on her wedding day, looking into a mirror
and possibly looking into the future... it has been very good!

We need not a mirror
To see what we need to see,
We need only to look inside
And see the real you and me.

Our life will be an open book,
How we live will reflect,
If we've been kind and loving
Or if it has been filled with neglect.

Life's mirror...
Will tell a the story each and every day,
By the things we do
And by the things we say.

If we had a mirror...
That could talk back to us,
Would it be complimentary
Or would it make a fuss?

But, life's mirror,
In a way, does talk,
For it provides our viewers
Of the way we live and walk.

Freda Fullerton
April 13, 2012

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