Sunday, March 18, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is sheep, near Queenstown, New Zealand. Some years ago
we visited there in May, our late spring and their late fall. It seemed
so strange to see the fall leaves turning in May!

The sound of thunder
On a distant hill,
Bringing springtime showers
Beating upon the windowsill.

The cooing of a dove,
Looking for a mate
And to its lonesome call,
Young lovers can relate.

The gurgle of  a running stream,
Winding its way to sea,
Springtime flowers open up,
To the buzz of the honey bee.

Mooing of the baby calves,
The bleating of the sheep,
Clucking of the laying hens,
The newly, hatched chicken's cheep.

Yes, the sounds of spring
Ring out clearly, everywhere,
With the renewal of life
God's plan is very clear!

Freda Fullerton
March 18, 2012

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