Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our son, John, in a hospital gown feeding his baby
daughter, Katie. She was born 3 months premature and
spent her first two months in the hospital. It certainly was
not what they had planned, but today, she's a beautiful,
healthy teen and will be 16 next month!

This is not what I had planned,
You hear so many say,
Pain is not what I would like
In my life today.

This is not what I had planned,
A life that's known divorce.
I had happy-ever-after
As my life choice.

This is not what I had planned,
Teens that have gone astray.
I planned to see them all
Grow up in a different way.

This is not what I had planned,
To lose a job I loved so much,
Or be estranged from family dear,
I meant to keep in touch.

All of these things are part of life,
That we do not expect to see,
But God can take them, every one,
And make a better you and me!

Freda Fullerton
March 21, 2012

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