Sunday, August 30, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
When we come to the "breaking point," we need to remember: God
is an everlasting God!

Breaking point...
When you've had enough.
Breaking point...
With too much stressful stuff.

Breaking point...
Negative thoughts crowd in.
Breaking point...
You need to begin again.

Breaking point...
When tempers flare.
Breaking point...
God is always aware.

Breaking point...
Your burden is too much to bear.
Breaking point....
Remember God will always care!

Freda Fullerton
August 30, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Piercing the darkness
Is not an easy plight,
But God can see
Just one small light.

Piercing the darkness
In a world of sin,
Jesus is the light
That we let in.

Piercing the darkness,
Just one small light,
But God guides me onward
Through the lonely night.

Piercing the darkness
Of doubt and fear,
But I'm not alone,
Jesus is near!

Freda Fullerton
August 26, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I wrote this poem several years ago as a song.

Close to Thee
Close to Thee
Let me live close to Thee,
When the storms of life hit me
Let me live close to Thee.

Close to Thee
Close to Thee
Let me live close to Thee,
I will live successfully,
If I live close to Thee.

Close to Thee
Close to Thee
Let me be close to Thee
When death's stillness moves ore me
Let me be close to Thee!

Freda Fullerton
August 25, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Jim and John, on a fishing trip when John was about 10. Spending time your
children is certainly worthwhile!

Are many things we do.
Things are really up to you.

Community service galore.
Church activities and more.

Exercising  for your health.
Working to acquire a bit of wealth,

When it comes down to the end,
Time spent, with family or friend.

Freda Fullerton
August 23, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I must confess that I don't have a green thumb, but I do love a beautiful

In God's garden
Of beautiful prayer,
We find God waiting,
Each day and each hour.

In God's garden
Of wonderful grace,
We find solace,
In seeking His face.

In God's garden
Of forgiveness and peace,
We've been provided,
With sweet, release.

In God's garden
Of hope, we lose despair,
For we surely know,
God's waiting there!

Freda Fullerton
August 21, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
When you get older, you have a lot more to leave behind:

Leave it behind...
Your weary and your care.
Leave it behind...
The burden that you bear.

Leave it behind...
An unforgiving heart.
Leave it behind...
Today's a new start.

Leave it behind...
The bitterness and hate.
Leave it behind...
God patiently, will wait.

Leave it behind...
Bad memories and such.
Leave it behind...
God loves you so much!

Freda Fullerton
August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

How often I have longed to gather your children together,
as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were
not willing. Matthew 23:37

Under the shelter of His wings
I shall find rest.
Under the shelter of His wings
I shall pass the test.

Under the shelter of His wings
I shall find peace.
Under the shelter of His wings
I shall find sweet, release.

Under the shelter of His wings
I shall find security.
Under the shelter of His wings
I shall find love's surety.

Under the shelter of His wings
I will find freedom from fear.
Under the shelter of His wings
I'll know He is near!

Freda Fullerton
August 18, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Feeling insignificant...
When you see each star?
Feeling insignificant...
When you remember who you are?

Feeling insignificant...
In the crowded throng?
Feeling insignificant...
Thinking you don't belong?

Feeling insignificant...
Knowing you're just one?
Feeling insignificant...
When there's so much to be done?

You are not insignificant...
For God created you.
You are not insignificant...
For Jesus has made you new!

Freda Fullerton
August 17, 2015

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Jesus understands...
The things we go through,
For He walked this earth
And has been through them too.

Jesus understands...
When we've been betrayed,
For He suffered this too
And faced it unafraid.

Jesus understands...
Loneliness, you see,
For He was alone
In Gethsemane.

Jesus understands...
When we suffer pain,
He whispers, "endure,
For heaven's your gain!"

Freda Fullerton
August 16, 2015

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is my coworkers and me in the Kraft Food lab,
at, "the daily grind," of testing food products. That's
me sitting at the Microscope.

The daily grind,
You'll meet each day,
So put on a smile
And be on your way.

Don't let it get to you,
Don't wear a frown
It'll be better tomorrow,
Don't let things get you down.

Go forth in the Lord,
In all kinds of weather,
If you're sailing rough seas,
You'll sail them together.

Wake up and be happy
That you have this day.
Don't let "the daily grind,"
Get in your way!

Freda Fullerton
August 15, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

God is with us
In all we do;
In every situation,
He'll see us through.

God is in us,
Giving us peace,
Directing our path,
Bringing sweet release,

God is for us,
In every way;
He'll be our refuge,
From day to day.

God loves us,
First and last;
In Him our anchor
Is firmly cast!

Freda Fullerton
August 14, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Freda's Garden!

Welcome to my Garden!
This is a pearl ring I bought several years ago, at the jewelry mart in downtown
LA. A pearl is certainly a mistake made beautiful. A grain of sand gets in an oyster
and it causes great pain and it tires to rid itself of the sand and it spins a beautiful pearl!

Mistakes made beautiful
Is God's expertise,
He turns them around,
With a love that won't cease.

Mistakes made beautiful,
God longs to correct.
Things that holds us back,
The things we neglect.

Mistakes made beautiful,
He picks us up when we fall;
He sees beyond our stumbling
And hears us when we call

Mistakes made beautiful,
We can't mess up beyond repair,
He mends and protects
And will always care!

Mistakes made beautiful,
Jesus proved on the cross;
His blood washes away sin,
So that all is not lost!

Freda Fullerton
August 13, 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Pets will ALWAYS be loyal.

Pray before you sleep.
Promises you keep.

Hold your tongue when  mad.
Smile, even when you're sad.

Say, "i love you."
Be blessed when day is through.

Read His Word each day, each year.
Know that God is near!

Freda Fullerton
August 12, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Sunrise.. is certainly an "S" word!

"S" word...
Satan to begin.
"S" word...
Repentance and then...

"S" word...
Story old, yet, ever new.
"S" word...
Salvation for me and for you.

Suffering, He paid the price;
"S" word...
Security in Christ.

"S" word...
Supplication in prayer.
"S" word...
Safe, knowing God is there!

Freda Fullerton
August 11, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Sydney, Australia from the air at sunrise!

Value God's View...
For He has  plan for you.
Value God's view...
In all that you do.

Value God's view...
For His wisdom is much higher.
Value God's view...
Spend time with Him in prayer.

Value God's view...
When decisions you must make.
Value God's view...
His commands do not forsake.

Value God's view...
For He will see you through.
Value God's view...
He will NEVER leave you!

Freda Fullerton
August 10, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

I am redeemed...
From the devil's clutch,
Blessed and protected
By One who loved much.

I am redeemed...
From being sin's slave,
Nevermore doomed
To a senseless grave.

I am redeemed...
From the world's stressful pace,
To live each day
In God's wonderful grace.

I am redeemed...
To live evermore,
With those gone before me
On that beautiful shore!

Freda Fullerton
August 9, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Age is not a factor... Jesus died for the old and the young!

Age is not a factor....
To someone's dream.
Age is not a factor...
In this life's scheme.

Age is not a factor...
In doing good deeds,
Age is not a factor...
In praying for our needs,

Age is not a factor...
When it comes to love.
Age is not a factor...
In guidance from above.

Age is not a factor...
You will find in awhile.
Age is not a factor...
Young or old we're God's child.

Freda Fullerton
August 7, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Christmas cookies in Christmas past... sometimes I focus too
much on food!

Where is my focus,
When I begin my day?
Where is my focus,
My will and my way?

Where is my focus,
When I worship in my pew?
Where is my focus,
When the day is through?

Where is my focus,
When I kneel and pray?
Where is my focus,
When things don't go my way?

Where is my focus,
When I lift my voice in praise?
Where is my focus,
Is it with my God always?

Freda Fullerton
August 6, 2015

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I dreamed up this little bear outfit, without a pattern.
And hoped some little foster kid would love it!

Dreams and deeds
Go hand in hand;
Dreams won't work  alone
But with deeds they can.

Dreams and deeds,
Were born to, be twins.
Dreams must have deeds,
If we want wins.

Dreams and deeds,
Together will go far,
You may even reach
That distant star.

Dreams and deeds,
Have formed this land.
They're a winning team,
You understand!

Freda Fullerton
August 5, 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

You can't have a crown
Without the cross.
You can't feel joy,
Without experiencing loss.

You can't have sunshine,
Without some rain.
You can't sympathize with others,
If you haven't experienced pain.

You must have been in darkness,
To appreciate the light.
You have to know disappointment,
To have wise insight.

You can't have a rose,
Without a thorn or two.
Life is a balance of all these,
God wants the best for you!

Freda Fullerton
August 4, 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

No wonder...
We love God so much
No wonder...
We crave His gentle touch.

No wonder...
We pray each day.
No wonder...
We seek His will and way.

No wonder...
Life is full of grace
No wonder...
We seek His face.

No wonder...
We praise His name.
No wonder...
We're so thankful Jesus came!

August 3, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the garden tomb in Jerusalem. The resurrection of Jesus
was certainly the "upside of setbacks!"
I wrote this in ER the other night.

The upside of setbacks,
Are the lessons they teach.
The upside of setbacks,
There are blessings in each.

The upside of setbacks,
It's not final, you see.
The upside of setbacks,
Is wisdom for thee.

The upside of setbacks,
The day will soon end.
The upside of setbacks,
Tomorrow you begin again.

The upside of setbacks,
It stretches your faith.
The upside of setbacks.
The decisions you make!

Freda Fullerton
August 2, 2015