Monday, April 30, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is Jim and I with our great grandson, Sawyer when he
was new born. He will be six in June and they are expecting
another baby in June. If we all had the contentment of a baby
(they just want to be dry, fed and loved) life would be so easy!

Contentment is...
Not what you want today,
But about wanting
The things that have come your way.

Contentment is...
Not a place,
Or a destination,
It is your own determination,

To be at peace...
Where God has placed you
And know He has a plan,
For what you do.

Contentment is...
Facing disappointments with grace,
Learning from each,
And every mistake!

Freda Fullerton
April 30, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is my dad, Clyde McCoy, playing the guitar and his
cousin Merle McCoy playing the fiddle. They were playing
at the Senior Center. Dad loved this social outlet. God knew
that "people needed people" that's why He gave us the
fellowship of each other!

People need people,
Everyday everywhere.
We need each other,
We need someone to care.

People need people,
One is not an island alone.
We need fellowship,
We need family and home.

People need people,
Someone to be responsible to,
Someone to hold us accountable,
For the things we say and do.

People need people,
Someone to cheer us on our way,
Someone to hug and hold,
Someone to love today!

Freda Fullerton
April 29, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This of course is not the whole world, but an important part of
it during World War 11 and Hitler's reign of terror. People in
other parts of the world wept for those caught in the terror!

You cannot weep for the entire world,
But you can weep for one.
You cannot save for the entire world,
But you can save some.

You cannot weep with the entire world,
But you still have responsibility,
To care for those you have
Within your family.

You cannot weep for the entire world,
But when some soul falls by the way,
You can stop and help him up
And weep with him today.

You cannot weep for the entire world
This I know is true,
But our Savior did just that,
When he died for me and you!

Freda Fullerton
April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This mug is so ugly it's cute. It looks like it needs to be
thrown back on the potters wheel for reshaping.
Sometimes I too must look like that to God!

If from the Potters wheel
You have fallen out of view,
Just keep in mind...
God can reshape you.

If you are a little crooked
And you feel you must be lost
Know the Potter can reshape you
With a gentle toss.

If you feel your life is misshapen
And you should be on the garbage heap,
Know to our Savior...
You are a vessel He will keep.

So be patient with the Potter
And lie obedient in His hand
As He reshapes your life
To be the best that you can!

Freda Fullerton
April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is Ashley Royal and Christian Heuler in my Mister Bible class,
a few years back. They are now fine Christian teens and I hope that
my kindness to them played a small part in their lives and the
others that I have taught down through the years!

Show a little kindness
To someone everyday,
Than you will make a difference
As you go along your way.

Show a little kindness
To those who've fallen down,
They need a smile of encouragement,
Instead of a disapproving frown.

Show a little kindness
Even, when your patience wear thin,
You know not the heavy heart
Another carries deep within.

Show a little kindness,
For you may never know
You may save a soul in jeopardy
As through this world you go!

Freda Fullerton
April 26, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is a beach on the way to the Cultural Center on Oahu, Hawaii.
We stopped there for awhile, a very nice detour!

Failure is just a detour,
Not a dead-end street.
Failure is a lesson learned,
Not a meek retreat.

Failure is just a detour.
One more try may be,
The very one you shall succeed
So, try again you see.

Failure is just a detour,
It is not a fatal thing,
Winners have failures too
And learn from the lessons they bring.

Failure is just a detour,
In the game of life, you see,
So get right up and try again
And a winner you will be!

Freda Fullerton
April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is Janet, Richard, Jim and I. They were leaving for home, after a week
here in March. I always need an "attitude adjustment" when I say goodbye
or else I would be on a constant pity-party!

I sometimes need an attitude adjustment
Of things I do and say
I'm just plain grumpy,
When things don't go my way.

When I'm disappointed
By the folks I know...
I may not speak of it,
But my attitude, tells them so.

When I think I'm right
And others disagree...
I'm not in a "live let live," mood ,
I want then to agree with me!

I often lose my patience,
When others make mistakes,
But want then to overlook
All the ones I make.

So, when I need an attitude adjustment,
I'll get down on my knees and pray
And I know that it will alter...
How I look at life today!

Freda Fullerton
April 24, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
These are felt puppets I made for the story of David and Goliath.
God certainly loved David more than he deserved, but then again
He loves me more than I deserve as well!

Loving people more than they deserve,
Is kindness as work, you see,
Going that extra mile,
Whether or not they love me.

Loving people more than they deserve,
Forgiving, even before they ask,
Is not in the realm of easy
It is a difficult task.

Loving people more than they deserve,
Even the unlovable boor,
For tis the difficult ones
That need love so much more.

God loves us more than we deserve
And after all is said and done,
He gave His only Son to die
For me, the unlovable one!

Freda Fullerton
April 23, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is Jim at Valley Forge. There was no real battle fought here,
but that winter, Washington and his men fought cold, hunger and
I'm sure disappointment, but their weakness turned to victory!

Growth begins...
When we accept we are weak,
Then God's strength
We will seek.

Accepting our weakness
Is not compromise,
It is just being honest,
Just being wise.

Accepting our weakness,
Is certainly not sin,
It's knowing our limits,
And where we have been.

So, with acceptance
Tis God that we seek,
For He shall be glorified,
When we are weak.

Freda Fullerton
April 22, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This picture was on FB from (Kacee Filmaker) with this caption:
"Sometimes I feel like this tree, out in the middle of nowhere,
fending for myself, but lucky for me, God is with me to help
with the waters of life."

Keep your head above the water
In the storms of life,
When you experience...
All the stress and strife.

Keep your head above the water
On a stormy day...
When things seem hopeless
And nothing goes your way.

Keep your head above the water
When life's floods swamp you
And you're tired of treading water
And do not know what to do.

Keep your head above the water,
When you're hit with ocean waves,
Be of good cheer...
Be very strong and brave.

For this you should remember,
You're not treading all alone,
Your Savior is there beside you,
For your sins He did atone!

Freda Fullerton
April 21, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

These three pillars or columns are at the ruins in Corinth, It's
hard to understand why some ancient cities like Athens , Rome,
Jerusalem and Damascus survived and others like Corinth,
Babylon and Ephesus did not. Perhaps the ones that survived
had some good lest in them. That should give us some hope for 

Hope is a pillar...
That holds the world up.
Hope is a trophy,
A winners cup.

Hope is a candle...
That  glows in the dark
Hope is the essence,
Of each tiny spark.

Hope is the fetters
Of our very own soul.
Hope is the story
Of redemption retold.

Hope is a pillar...
Without it, you see,
Life would be unbearable
For you and for me!

Freda Fullerton
April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the harbor at Avalon Bay on Catalina Island
The round building is the Casino in its hey day big
bands used to perform there.

Ships are safe in harbor,
But ships were made to sail,
Sitting in a harbor
Success cannot prevail.

Life lived in safe harbor
Is safer you may say,
But there is no adventure,
When life is lived that way.

If one will take no chances,
But keeps to the easy paths
One misses new horizons
And happiness that lasts.

Yes, harbors are safe places,
But like ships, we're made to sail away
Not molder in safe harbors,
But make new discoveries today!

Freda Fullerton
April 19, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is or granddaughter, Katie. She is 16 today. I feel so blessed
to have her in my life.  We have always called her a miracle. She
was three months premature and weighed 1 pound and 15 ounces
and was 14 inches long. She spent her first two months in the
hospital. as you can see, today, she is a beautiful, healthy teen.
I feel rich for having had her in my life these 16 years!
Happy Birthday Katie.

Want to feel rich?
Count the many things money can't buy,
The air you breathe...
And the wind's gentle sigh

Want to feel rich?
Close your eyes and say,
"What if I should be blind
And lose my sight today?"

Want to feel rich?
Take a walk on the beach,
Feel the sand with your toes,
Know for some, this is out of reach.

Want to feel rich?
Inventory the food on your shelf,
Know there are those that are hungry,
With no one to help!

Want to feel rich?
Before you is all nature to see
And God created it all,
Just for you and for me!

Freda Fullerton
April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I don't know for sure, but this cat may have been, just about
to trouble these comfortable ducks! This was taken at a park
near New Port, Rhode Island.

God comforts the troubled,
But He also troubles the comfortable man.
One who is content...
Ignoring God's divine plan.

God troubles the comfortable,
One obsessed with riches and fame.
One who's selfish desire...
Belittles Jesus' name.

God troubles the comfortable,
One that's narrow of mind,
That has no forgiveness for others
And is rigid, stiff-necked and unkind.

God troubles the comfortable,
One who's sure of his way,
Takes no direction from others,
Follows his own path today.

God troubles the comfortable
And sometimes that's me...
Uncomfortable feelings killed Jesus,
Felt by each Pharisee!

Freda Fullerton
April 17, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is Buchart Garden in Victoria, Canada.
I believe the reason God gave us gardens was
that our eyes need rest from the ugliness that
sin has created in this world.

There is a reason,
For all things.
There is a season,
that this day brings.

We may wonder,
We may never understand,
But God has a reason
And He has a plan.

Everything that happens,
Is not happenstance,
We're not placed here,
By some unforeseen chance.

It is not so much
That we need to know,
We need to only trust,
As through this world we go!

Freda Fullerton
April 16, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is me and my, "ship trip," not a ship but a boat
on the Sea of Galilee. I'm so thankful that we traveled
when we were younger. Don't put off traveling until
"Someday Soon," for someday soon never comes.
Do it now!

Someday soon,
I'll call a friend,
Just to say, "Hi,
How have you been?"

Someday soon,
I'll take a trip,
I'll see new places,
I'll sail on a ship.

Someday soon,
I'll write a book,
Organize my bills,
Give life a second look.

Someday soon,
Turns into years,
I say goodbye to friends
Through a vale of tears.

So, I think I should
Do these things now, you see,
For someday soon,
Will never be!

Freda Fullerton
April 15, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Courage is like a butterfly, that changes from a worm
to a beautiful creature with wings. Courage changes
from fear to bravery.
It has been said that "courage is fear that has said its prayers."

Courage is...
Doing what you're afraid to do.
Courage is...
Standing up, even when it frightens you.

Courage is...
When you say a prayer.
Courage is...
Getting through another hour.

Courage is...
Smiling through tears.
Courage is...
Forgiving your peers.

Courage is...
Finding your way,
Through another...
Pain filled day!

Freda Fullerton
April 14, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our daughter, Janet, on her wedding day, looking into a mirror
and possibly looking into the future... it has been very good!

We need not a mirror
To see what we need to see,
We need only to look inside
And see the real you and me.

Our life will be an open book,
How we live will reflect,
If we've been kind and loving
Or if it has been filled with neglect.

Life's mirror...
Will tell a the story each and every day,
By the things we do
And by the things we say.

If we had a mirror...
That could talk back to us,
Would it be complimentary
Or would it make a fuss?

But, life's mirror,
In a way, does talk,
For it provides our viewers
Of the way we live and walk.

Freda Fullerton
April 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
We not only need someone to love, we need someone to teach as well. This is our
granddaughter, Katie, when she was younger. She is panting under the instructions of
grandma Freda. She and I are certainly kindred spirits.

Someone to love
And something to do,
Something to treasure,
Will fulfill you.

Someone to love,
Someone to hold,
Someone to listen
To things yet untold.

Someone to love,
Someone to understand,
Someone, when you're afraid
To take hold of your hand.

Someone to love,
That's our Savior, dear,
For He will be there,
Will always be near.

So, if in this life
You have no one to love,
Know that love will surround you,
In heaven above!

Freda Fullerton
April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This beautiful picture is the back of my pocket calendar.
I think it depicts just how big and creative out God really is!

How big is your God?
Does He fit into a box that's square?
Do you believe in what He can do,
Or do you limit His power?

How big is you God?
Do you only call each time,
Trouble comes your way
And ignore Him when things are fine?

How big is your God?
Is He One that watches all you do,
As He sits on His throne,
Waiting to condemn you?

How big is my God?
He's the creator of all you see.
He gave His only Son to die,
Because of His love for you and me!

Freda Fullerton
April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the "paint pots" at Yellowstone National Park.
The phenomenal geological disturbances at Yellowstone
have kept geologist looking for answers for many moons.

If you're not looking for answers,
You'll seldom find them, you see.
If you do not seek the truth,
I will be hidden from thee.

If the middle of the road,
You're willing to go...
If you want to float
And go with the flow.

If smooth sailing...
Is your cup of tea,
If the path least resistance
And what ever will be... will be.

If you're not looking for answers,
As through this world you go,
God's grace and His peace
You'll never know!

Freda Fullerton
April 10, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is a friend at TOPS. She recently celebrated her 100th birthday. She
is an amazing woman. Last year she received her driver's licenses for
another five years. She lives alone, still takes trips and hardly ever misses
a TOPS meeting. Besides good genes I think her longevity can be attributed
to the last lines in the following poem.

When you are old
And your steps are not firm,
You may falter some,
But you still have things to learn.

When you are old
Don't concentrate on your pain,
Instead count your blessings,
Know you still have much to gain.

When you are old
You may feel useless too,
But remember you've learned so much
That should be passed from you.

When you are old
You have a story to tell
Retell those special memories
To those you love so well.

When you are old
Do not lose your zest
Keep your interest in those around you
And life will still be at it's best!

Freda Fullerton
April 9, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Freda's Garden:

 Welcome to my Garden:
Happy Easter Everyone. Today is the eighth day.
 The week has been one of a paradox. It has
been one from triumph to tragedy and then one of
victory! The Sabbath is over and the women are
anxious to get to the tomb, to take care of the body
of their beloved Jesus! Imagine their fear and
surprise to be confronted by two Angels!

They hurried to the tomb
While it was early in the day.
The women met two Angels
While they were on their way.

The Angels said,
"Do not fear...
The One you are looking for,
He is no longer here!

He has risen, like He said,
Come see where He lay,
Then go tell his disciples,
Hurry, do not delay!"

The women scurried off
And it was very soon,
They found the disciples, and they said,
"Come see the empty tomb!"

Freda Fullerton
April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Day Seven, in the last week of the life of Jesus.
After the quick burial of Jesus, His followers took the Sabbath Day off
and rested like the law required. It is hard for us as Christians to come to
terms with the concept that Jesus was a Jew, not only by birth, but by faith
as well. He kept all the Jewish laws , including the Sabbath. This is a postcard
of Nazareth, the city where He grew up and was obedient to His parents and
His Jewish faith.

The Sabbath by law,
Was a day of rest.
Jesus followers sadly waited
To finish with their quest.

They wanted only to attend Him
And rest was hard to bear,
For the Savior was in a tomb
And they wanted to be there.

They anxiously waited,
Until the Sunday's dawn
To fulfill their duty,
To the tomb they were drawn.

They prepared their spices,
As they said their prayers,
Asking God to guide them
For their leader was no longer there.

Freda Fullerton
April 7, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Day six of the last week of the life of Jesus.
The mock trial is over, Jesus has been mocked,
beaten, spit upon and been forced to wear a crown
of thorn upon His heads. They make Him carry His
own cross, until, weaken from the loss of blood, He
falls under the weight and then they force another to
carry it the rest of the way to the city dump, we know
as Calvary. The Savior of the world, the Son of the
Creator of the world was born in a manger and died
in a city dump! God never does the expected!
The following poem is the only one that is a repeat
this week. It has been my tradition to send this poem
out every "Good Friday."

In six hours one Friday,
Just an ordinary day,
The people of Jerusalem
Went about their way.

Some were going to market,
Others were tending sheep,
Thousands to the Temple,
With sacrifices to keep.

While the city bustled
On and ordinary day,
History was changing
In an extraordinary way.

Within six hours on that Friday
The earth trembled to the core.
The temple curtain became torn
From the ceiling to the floor.

All around was darkness,
The sun refused to shine.
People groped about them,
As if they were blind.

On a distant hill
They heard an eerie cry
From the center figure,
That was about to die.

"My God, My God,
Why have you forsaken Me?"
Came the pleading call
From the one upon the tree.

In six hours on that Friday
God claimed a victory,
Over death and Satan
On a cross on Calvary.

But not all believe the story,
That it came about that way,
That God works His best miracles
On an ordinary day!

Freda Fullerton
April 6, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Day five: After washing the disciples feet and the passover meal
was finished and the departure of Judas to betray Jesus, they left
the upper-room. Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane. I have
a feeling that when Jesus was troubled, this was a favorite place in
Jerusalem for Him. It was quiet and peaceful among the olive trees.
I took this picture in 1984. It was still peaceful among the olive trees.
Do you have a special, quiet peaceful retreat, when you're  troubled?
Mark 14: 33-36

We all have our Gethsemane
With indecision, pain and loss.
We feel the weight of the world,
The burden of our cross.

But Jesus was comforted
By Angels that day...
We will have the comfort
Of One whose been that way.

Because Jesus suffered,
Great drops of sweat as blood,
He has such mercy for us,
His love is like a flood.

If flows right to us..
Even when our life has sin,
He wants us to be restored,
And feel His love again.

The agony He suffered,
In Gethsemane that day,
Was for the restoration
Of a world that's lost its way!

Freda Fullerton
April 5, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Just before the passover meal in the upper-room, Jesus
washed His disciples feet, He even washed the feet of Judas,
knowing that he would betray Him. What an example for us to
Betrayal is heart breaking
Especially, if one you love and care
Has proven to be unworthy,
It seems so hard to bear.

You may feel the world's against you,
That you have nowhere to turn,
Your friendship has been rejected,
Your love has been spurned.

Jesus must have had these same feelings,
When one of His very own
Sold Him for thirty silver pieces,
He must have felt so all alone.

He did not seem to be angry,
Only sad, but He knew why,
His betrayal was long predicted
And he knew He had to die.

Judas felt remorseful..
He took his life that day.
A lesson to be faithful
And never a friend betray!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This fig tree belongs to a neighbor up the street, just as in Jesus'
day, it has no fruit on it because it is not the season for fruit.
This object lesson that Jesus taught His disciples happened the
same day as the Temple story, but I wanted to include it, so I
moved it to day three. Mark 11: 20-24 Matthew 21:19-22

Early in the morning
To the city, on His way,
Jesus passed an unfruitful fig tree,
He cursed it that day.

It was an object lesson,
For His disciples, you see.
The fig tree wilted,
At His decree.

His disciples were astounded,
At the things that He could do,
But He told them to have faith
And they could do great things too.

He felt the pressure,
That time was running out;
He had so much to teach them
And He knew that had some doubt.

He tried to prepare them
For the coming event...
And tell them for this reason
To the earth He was sent!

Freda Fullerton
April 3, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Jesus chasing away the money changers. A picture in my
old King James Bible. After His triumphal entry into Jerusalem,
Jesus spent the night in Bethany. The next morning on the way to
the Temple he passed a fig tree and finding no figs He cursed it and
continued on his way. Today's poem is his anger at the money changers.
Mark 11:12-19 Luke 19:45

Jesus chanced the anger
Of the people that day,
By showing them His anger
As He chased the money changers away.

He did not mind...
Stepping on the toes,
Of the religious leaders,
With their warnings and their woes.

He could not abide
The hypocrisies,
The falseness and the rules
Of the Pharisees.

He stood up for the little people,
Those they thought of no account,
Even healed on the Sabbath...
As their anger seemed to mount.

As He trudged through the streets
Of Jerusalem that week...
He was marching forward
To a destiny He would keep!

Freda Fullerton
April 2, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the Damascus Gate in the old part of the city of
Today, is what is known as Palm Sunday and this week
is what is called "Passion Week" the last week of the physical
life of Jesus. Last year I posted a poem each day, following the
last week of Jesus. The dates were April 17-24, 2011, if you would
like to look them up. When I think how young Jesus was, I'm astounded
that He was willing to die and to take such a burden on His shoulders. I
have a grandson that's 33 and that kind of puts it in perspective for me.
I'm going to follow His last week this week with new poems I hope it
will help us to keep focused on the real reason for the Easter season.

Triumphal Entry: Luke 19: 28-44

"Hosanna," They cried,
"Here comes the king,
Let us gather up an army,
Then freedom we'll sing!"

Jesus sadly watched the crowd,
As He rode into Jerusalem that day,
Knowing that they misunderstood
His message and His way.

The crowd gathered all around,
There was much excited chatter,
Only Jesus knew their hearts,
Knew they cared not for things that matter!

Sadly, He marched toward,
The final week of life,
Knowing He would leave behind
Much sorrow and much strife.

"Hosanna," they shouted, loud and clear
But the time was drawing very near
That the crowd would then shout...
"Crucify Him! Crucify Him here!"

Freda Fullerton
April 1, 2012