Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This beautiful picture is the back of my pocket calendar.
I think it depicts just how big and creative out God really is!

How big is your God?
Does He fit into a box that's square?
Do you believe in what He can do,
Or do you limit His power?

How big is you God?
Do you only call each time,
Trouble comes your way
And ignore Him when things are fine?

How big is your God?
Is He One that watches all you do,
As He sits on His throne,
Waiting to condemn you?

How big is my God?
He's the creator of all you see.
He gave His only Son to die,
Because of His love for you and me!

Freda Fullerton
April 11, 2012

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