Sunday, November 22, 2020

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:

Today's poem was taken from...Our Daily Bread.


On our hearts, Lord

Are challenges of the day

Fear of this virus

That won't go away.

On our hearts, Lord

Is this country, we hold dear

Help us to know

You'll always be near.

On our hearts, Lord

Are those with pain and sorrow

Give them bright hope

For a better tomorrow.

On our hearts, Lord

Is a world that is lost

We pray, they will see Jesus

And that old rugged cross!

Freda FullertonNovember 22,2020


Monday, November 2, 2020

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.

Today's poem was taken from Today's "Beside The Still Waters"


Be careful of your words

And what they imply

Know they can't be unsaid

And may make someone cry.

Be careful of your words

And even if they're true

If they are unkind.

They will only bring down you.

Be careful of your words

Make them soft and sweet.

For so many times

Our words we have to eat,

Be careful of your words

For mud-slinging, here's a clue

You cannot sling it at someone else

Without getting a some on you!

Freda Fullerton

November 2, 2020