Sunday, March 31, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


Think of the cross
When troubles you face.
Think of the cross
When decisions you make.

Think of the cross
When you struggle with sin.
Think of the cross
On Jesus depend.

Think of the cross
Let it flood your mind, you see.
Think of the cross
His blood cleanses thee.

Think of the cross
And His unfailing love.
Think of the cross
And its bless from above!

Freda Fullerton
March 30, 2019

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:


You'll be amazed
If you follow God you see.
You'll be amazed
How He transforms you and me.

You'll be amazed
At all He can do.
You'll be amazed
At how much He loves you.

You'll be amazed
When life seems unfair.
You'll be amazed
How quickly He is there.

You'll be amazed
When you bow to Him in prayer.
You'll be amazed
An answer is always there!

Freda Fullerton
March 30, 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's Every Day In His Presence.
This is a picture I took of the Garden of Gethsemane. Those olive trees were there
at the time of Christ.


Jesus knows...
About your struggles today.
Jesus knows...
When you can't find your way.

Jesus knows...
Every tear that you shed.
Jesus knows...
Every hair on your head.

Jesus knows...
When you're to weary to pray.
Jesus knows...
When you've had a bad day.

Jesus knows...
All about  this you see
Jesus knows...
For He felt this at Gethsemane!

Freda Fullerton
March 29, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


Making progress
One step at a time.
Making progress
Jesus is mine.

Making progress
Though weak I may be.
Making progress
Knowing Jesus loves me.

Making progress
In reading God's word.
Making progress
My prayers have been heard.

Making progress
In doing my best.
Making progress
Making peace my quest!

Freda Fullerton
March 28, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


Blessed assurance
Of God's Sovereignty.
Blessed assurance
That He does love thee.

Blessed assurance
When you must taste a bitter cup.
Blessed assurance
He will lift you up.

Blessed assurance
That you will make it through.
Blessed assurance
That He'll walk with you.

Blessed assurance
He'll give you victory
Blessed assurance
Was won on Calvary!

Freda Fullerton
March 27, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


God is our defender
Against Satan's foe
God is our defender
Wherever we may go.

God is our defender
As others try to undermine our faith
God is our defender
He offers us His grace.

God is our defender
When others let us down
God is our defender
He will always be around.

God is our defender
Our hope and vindication
God is our defender
In Him we find Salvation!

Freda Fullerton
March 26, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


Investing time in a higher purpose
When the world is calling you
Take the time to bow in prayer
Midst the busy things you do.

Investing time in a higher purpose
When busyness puts you to the test
Take the time lean on God
And give yourself a rest.

Investing time in a higher purpose
Even a smile can be worthwhile
Look for some lonesome soul
And walk that extra mile

Investing time in a higher purpose
Trust in God as through life you trod
Just remember what He said,
"Be still and know that I AM GOD!"

Freda Fullerton
March 25, 2019

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


Don'r lose heart
When you see others succeed
And you feel
You have a greater need.

Don't lose heart
With rejection and loss
The worlds not your measure
Your measure's the cross.

Don't lose heart
When you don't understand
God is very alive
And He still has a plan.

Don't lose heart
Trials strengthen your faith
And that is the reason
God's asking you to wait!

Freda Fullerton
March 24, 2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's Every Day In His Presence"


Stabilizing faith
Will help you see
When pressures assail you
God will be with thee.

Stabilizing faith
When circumstances deteriorate
And you are surrounded
By the the world's greed and hate.

Stabilizing faith
When new problems appear
Just turn to God in prayer
He will be near.

Stabilizing faith
Means you know you're not alone
God will be there for you
In every battle that's your own!

Freda Fullerton
March 23, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


Be still...
And begin the day with prayer.
Be still...
God wil meet you anywhere.

Be still...
And God will calm your soul.
Be still...
And watch His plan unfold.

Be still...
And your reward will be peace.
Be still...
And your anxiety will cease.

Be still...
Enjoy the beauty of the day.
Be still...
And let God prepare the way!

Freda Fullerton
March 22, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence."


Listen to God's voice
Hear His message clear
Hw will always love you
And always want you near.

Listen to God's voice
When the devil makes a call
Give not in to his invitation
As he wants you to fall.

Listen to God's voice
In the stillness off the night
When you're feeling lonely
He will chase away all fright.

Listen o God's voice
When decisions you must make
He will give you guidance
In the path the you must take!

Freda Fullerton
March 21, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's  "Every Day In His Presence"


Let God lead
Don't forge ahead
For that will cause
You fear and dread.

Let God lead
Though the path be steep
He has plans for you
And promises to keep.

Let God lead
He knows the way
So talk to Him
As you begin each day.

Let God lead
Today, trust Him for His care
Don't worry about tomorrow
He's already there!

Freda Fullerton
March 20, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"
This is Jim, holding his Bible.


Words of life
To stretch your faith.
Words of life
Filled with God's grace,

Words of life
On how to live.
Words of life
On how to give.

Words of life
Brings salvation to you.
Words of live
Will your spirit renew.

Words of life
God speaks to thee.
Words of life
For eternity!

Freda Fullerton
March 19, 2019

Monday, March 18, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In HIs Presence"
"Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
John 8:32


Truth will set you free
Not the world's truth, you see
But with the truth
From God to thee.

Truth will set you free
When you follow God's plan
He wants to strengthen you
He wants you to take a stand.

Truth will set you free
Let God control your every thought
Talk to Him in prayer
You'll have the peace you've sought.

Truth will set you free
Study the Scriptures each day
Saturate  your mind in God
He'll show you a more excellent way.

Freda Fullerton
March 19, 2019

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken form today's "Every Day In His Presence."


Each step you take
God leads the way
He is with you
Day by day.

Each step you take
He will light your path
And calm your fears
If you ask.

Each step you take
He strengthens your faith
And leads you to
A sweet, calm place.

Each step you take
If the way seems dim
Know God is with you
If you rely on Him!

Freda Fullerton
March 16, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


People need God
In each and every way.
People need God
No matter what they say.

People need God
But so many block His way
People need God
But reject Him every day.

People need God
In a world lost in sin.
People need God
But refuse to let Him in.

People need God
For this world's a scary place
People need God
For the things they must face.

People need God
So tell them of His great love
People need God
And blessings from above!

Freda Fullerton
March 15, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


You heavenly Father
Protects you and provides for you.
You heavenly Father
Loves you too.

Your heavenly Father
Wants a relationship with you.
Your heavenly Father
Will guide you in all you do.

Your heavenly Father
Knows your struggles, you see.
Your heavenly Father
Is Creator of thee.

Your heavenly Father
Is with you whatever you face
Your heavenly Father
Is full of mercy and grace!

Freda Fullerton
Much 14, 2019

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence."


An open heart...
You must have you see
And when you pray
God will answer thee.

An open heart...
Be honest and true
Give God all your troubles
He knows what to do.

An open heart...
And a listening mind
God knows all your secrets
And He's still loving and kind.

An open heart...
Be transparent in your talk
Know God's grace covers you
In your day walk!

Freda Fullerton
March 13, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day On His Presence"


Truly God
Do you believe
That He is with you
And blessings you receive?

Truly God
On Him you can always count
He loved you enough to die for you
He is the living fount.

Truly God
Even though some do not believe
His power is far beyond
What our mind can conceive.

Truly God
The world will bow to His name
On day they will know
The truth of His claim!

Freda Fullerton
March 12, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Today's poem was taken from today;s "Every Day In His Presence"


Some days may seem hard to bear
And you may think
There is no one to care.

Remember God is there
And when adversity comes
Do not despair.

God wants dependance from you
He wants you to rely on Him
In everything you do.

God is forming your soul
And in the trenches of adversity
Watch His love unfold.

Freda Fullerton
March 11, 2019

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


God will lead you to victory
Through this weary land.
God will led you to victory
Just take hold of his hand.

God will lead you to victory
When trouble thoughts fill your mind.
God will lead to to victory
For He says, "You are Mine."

God will lead you to victory
When darkness covers your way.
God will lead you to victory
He will light your path today.

God will lead you to victory
Though the storm-tossed sea.
God will lead you to victory
He sent His Son to die for thee.

God will lead you to victory
If you let Him set the pace.
God will lead you to victory
Because of His AMAZING GRACE!

Freda Fullerton
March 10, 2019

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


It's about you
That Jesus went to the cross.
It's about you
That He counted not the loss.

It's about you
That He has a great plan.
It's about you
When He gives a command.

I's about you
That trials make you grow.
It;s about you
And He loves so so.

It's about you
That Jesus went to prepare  place.
I's about you
And His unending GRACE!

Freda Fullerton
March 9, 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"
I've been in God's workroom for a very long time... I'm still there,
still growing!


For your growth
Have a relationship with God you see
Ask Him to speak to your heart
And He will grant this to thee.

For your growth
You must walk in the valley low
It is through the difficulties of life
That you will grow.

For your growth
You must experience failures along the way
You learn from your mistakes
And God will guide you each day.

For your growth
Trust God, He has a plan
He knows your every need
And He does understand!

Freda Fullerton
March 8, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem is taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence,"
However I'm taking a bit different thought than Charles Stanley.


Is so needed today
In a lost world
Where pleasure is the sway.

To our God seems lost, you see
And also commitment
To  friends and family.

To our country the military serve
Our respect and commitment
Is what they deserve.

Means we must take a stand
If we want God to be with us
And bless this great land.

Freda Fullerton
March 7, 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's second poem is taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence."


Leave it to Him
Is not easy to do
You want to fix things
That are bothering you.

Leave it to Him
Will release so much stress
He knows what you need
And He promises rest.

Leave it to Him
When you feel inept
And obstacles appear
He will direct each step.

Leave it to Him
He has plans for you
In all trouble and sorrow
He'll see you through!

Freda Fullerton
March 6, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Jesus Calling"


Come follow Me
When your path is obscure.
Come follow Me
I will make you secure.

Come follow Me
When overwhelmed with adversity
Come follow Me
I will light your way, you see.

Come follow Me
Start your day with prayer.
Come follow Me
My joy with you I share.

Come follow Me
I am always working for you.
Come follow Me
In each storm, I'll see you through!

Freda Fullerton
March 6, 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Jesus Calling"
Nothing changes so much as the caterpillar into a butterfly.


Make a friend of change
Life changes every day
You are not the same today
As you were yesterday.

Make a friend of change
I can make bad turn to good
And remember I am here
When you are misunderstood.

Make a friend of change
For your problems thank Me
For in valleys of this life
Is where you grow the most you see.

Make a friend of change
My grace is sufficient for thee
As you grow each day in faith
And become more like Me!

Freda Fullerton
March 5, 2019

Monday, March 4, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's second poem was taken from "Every Day In His Presence."


Look to God for understanding
When things are not so clear.
Look to God for understanding
You will always find Him near.

Look to God for understanding
In the choices that you make.
Look to God for understanding
And you'll make no mistake.

Look to God for understanding
When the world clouds your mind
Look to God for understanding
He will never be unkind.

Look to God for understanding
When the path seems very dim
Look to God for understanding
Common sense fails without Him!

Freda Fullerton
March 4, 2019

Freda's Garden::

Welcome to my Garden. T
Today's poem was taken from today's "Jesus Calling"
Worry is like a rocking gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere!


Refuse to worry
Lord teach me how.
This world is so scary
And I need you now.

Refuse to worry
But things overwhelm me you see
Family and friends that are ill
And I want them pain-free.

Refuse to worry
I'll try it today
May your grace guide me
As I bow to pray.

Refuse to worry
I'll try believing instead
And face each tomorrow
With faith and not dread!

Freda Fullerton
March 4, 2019

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence."


Beware od Satan
He knows what flavor to bait our hook.
Beware of Satan
Daily read God's book.

Beware of Satan
He does not wear red and have horns.
Beware of Satan
He comes handsomely adorned.

Beware of Satan
He knows what we like the most.
Beware of Satan
He wants to be our host.

Beware of Satan
He's already lost you see.
Beware of Satan
Misery loves company!

Freda Fullerton
March 3, 2019

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In His Presence"


You are forgiven
In Christ, you see
So forgive yourself
And you will be free.

You are forgiven
Call on God's grace
Know of His love
When difficulties you face.

You are forgiven
Of the choices you make
God can work them into His plan
Each foolish mistake.

You are forgiven
Of all of your past
So believe that it's true
And have peace at last!

Freda Fullerton
March 2, 2019

Friday, March 1, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden
Today's poem was taken from today's "Every Day In Hs Presence"


Entrust yourself to the Father
This is sometimes hard to do
When we are so very anxious
For those we love so true.

Entrust yourself to the Father
Means handing over all control
And we all want our own way
Whether we are young or old.

Entrust yourself to the Father
He wants what's best you see
And when difficulties come
He will guide you and me.

Entrust yourself to the Father
His love will calm each fear.
Circumstances can't overwhelm us
For He is always near!

Freda Fullerton
March 1, 2019