Monday, December 31, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This was not this past Christmas, but a few years ago.
Our table has progressed to two tables as our family has grown.

God looks for progress, not perfection.
He does not ask you to run, but to stand.
He does not ask you to do more,
Than He thinks you can.

God looks for progress, not perfection.
He does not ask to set the world on fire,
He only asks you to bloom,
In this place, right where you are.

Good looks for progress, not perfection,
A smile, a hug each day.
You need not convert the world,
Just someone along your way.

God looks for progress, not perfection,
When you stand before Him among the stars,
He will not be looking for medals,
But He will be looking for scars!

Freda Fullerton
December 21, 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Wherever your journey takes you,
Be sure that God is there;
He will lead and guide you
And show you tender care.

Wherever your journey takes you,
Over land and over sea,
God will be beside you
And hear your every plea.

Wherever your journey takes you,
Though it be through pain and sorrow,
Know that God travels with you
And with your every tomorrow.

Wherever your journey takes you,
If it should lead you home,
Know, tender arms will carry you,
You will never be all alone!

Freda Fullerton
December 30, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our granddaughter Katie, when she was small.
I made the princess dress for her and this was her first glimpse
of herself in it.  Children certainly are a mirror of God. You can
see the wonder, joy and happiness of God in her face!

Are you a mirror of God?
Do people see Him in your face?
Does your actions match your words?
Are you filled with His grace?

Are you a mirror of God?
Do people know to whom you belong?
Do you follow His footsteps?
Do you praise Him, as you go along?

Are you a mirror of God?
Do people see the Father in you,
Not by the things that you say,
But by things that you do?

Are you a mirror of God?
If others followed you faithfully,
Where would their footsteps lead,
Would it be with Him eternally?

Freda Fullerton
December 29, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I was about 7 when this picture was taken. Mom and dad look
so young. I think our granddaughter, Katie, looks like my mom.

The Master's child,
The Great "I AM's" decree.
The Master's child,
I've been adopted, you see

The Master's child,
I'll always be,
For He sent His Son,
To die for me.

The Master's Child,
Protected each day,
By a Father's love,
As He leads the way.

The Master's child,
I stand not alone,
The Master's child,
He will take me home!

Freda Fullerton
December 28, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Freda's Garden!

Welcome to my Garden!

This is a shawl of love that my daughter, Janet, knit for me.

A shawl of love,
Covers you and me,
Even when the path is obscure,
And you cannot see.

A shawl of love,
Is a banner over us,
Guiding and protecting,
Without the worry or the fuss.

A shawl of love,
Was a cruel tree.
And a Savior's sacrifice,
On a hill, called Calvary.

A shawl of love,
Surrounds us today,
Keeping us so safe,
In His arms to stay!

Freda Fullerton
December 27, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Sharing the Lord,
With others should be,
Our purpose as Christians,
For you and for me.

Sharing the Lord
And His wondrous love,
Showing others the way,
To heaven above.

Sharing the Lord,
Should be our quest,
Telling those we meet,
How to enter His rest.

Sharing the Lord,
Should come naturally,
If you follow Him,
Others will follow thee!

Freda Fullerton
December 26, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Freda's Garden!

Welcome to my Garden!

There was no room at the inn,
For the Savior that day,
Just a smelly, old manger,
Filled with some hay.

Just a dusty, old place,
Where animals bed down at night,
But a star watched over the place,
Shining so bright.

As shepherds in the fields,
Watched over their sheep.
A miracle occurred,
While the world lay asleep.

Make room at your house,
Right from the start,
As you celebrate Christmas,
Keep Christ in your heart!

Freda Fullerton
December 23, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

A Christmas wish for you
From the two of us.
May you have joy and peace,
And less stress and fuss.

A Christmas wish for you;
We want you to know,
That we're thinking of you,
As through this life we go.

A Christmas wish for you;
May God be your guide each day.
May He answer all your prayers,
As you get on your knees and pray.

A Christmas wish for you,
As you gather around your tree,
May you know love and laughter,
With your dear, family.

A Christmas wish for you,
As the old year ends...
May you have health and happiness
And a multitude of friends!

Freda Fullerton
December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

The innkeeper failed to see Jesus,
He was too busy, you see;
He hustled and tried to make money,
In his stable, God came quietly.

Herod failed to see Jesus,
He had fears for his throne
And he was so blinded,
He failed to make Jesus his own.

The Romans failed to see Jesus,
For they had gods of their own,
Idols that could not help them,
Made of wood and of stone.

Do you fail to see Jesus,
Like the innkeeper, that long ago day?
Are you just too busy,
That you let opportunity slip away?

Maybe you are like Herod,
You do not want to give up control.
You hate to relinquish,
The things that you love to hold.

Don't be like the Romans,
And let other things take His place.
This Christmas, be sure to see Jesus.
And in your heart give Him space!

Freda Fullerton
December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Freda's Garden!

Welcome to my Garden!

Are you looking...
For the Shepherd's leading?
Do you listen...
For His earnest pleading?

Are you that stubborn lamb,
You think you know the way,
The one that's always last...
 Must be brought into the fold each day?

Do you try to do the leading,
Try to make it on your own?
Don't you know that will get you.
Far from your eternal home?

The Shepherd's leading,
Be sure to let it be...
For He will lead you safely,
And never fail to be with thee!

Freda Fullerton
December 19, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
We live in a troubled world that needs Jesus!

A troubled world
We live in here.
A troubled world,
With doubt and fear.

A troubled world,
With so much sorrow.
A troubled world,
With an uncertain tomorrow.

A troubled world,
With so much crime.
A troubled world,
With so little time.

A troubled world,
Yet, we can endure.
A troubled world,
But God is still near!

Freda Fullerton
December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

After the horrible evens of yesterday I thought of this poem.
It was written some 30 years ago, but fits my mind set for
today and I hope will help you as well.

We don't always understand
Why things happen as they do.
We don't have to understand,
If we believe God will see us through.

We don't have all the answers,
To this world filled with pain,
But we don't have to know the answers,
If we believe heaven is our gain.

When our path is darkened,
And we can't see the light of day,
Just look around for Jesus,
He can't be far away.

He asks us to trust Him for his love and mercy
And not try to understand,
But lift our eyes to heaven,
And hold to His unchanging hand!

Freda Fullerton
December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

The Christmas cards I send
To friends far away,
Good wishes and good health,
Is what I want to convey.

The Christmas cards I send
I want them to know,
That I'm thinking of them,
As through this life I go.

The Christmas cards I send
To touch their lives someway,
I'm remembering you,
Is what I want to say.

The Christmas cards I send,
Because I can't come, you see
This is the only way I can visit
And spend some time with thee.

Freda Fullerton
December 14, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Santa's coming soon,
You see much evidence.
Santa's coming soon,
Children are in suspense.

Santa's coming soon,
Goodwill is in the air.
Santa's coming soon,
Preparations are everywhere!

Santa's coming soon,
I've trimmed the Christmas Tree.
Santa's coming soon,
I'm making my cookie recipe.

Santa's coming soon,
May the wonder never depart.
Santa's coming soon,
For the young and the young at Heart!

Freda Fullerton
December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This was taken at our Ladies Christmas Party.
I'm in the center with a couple of my Christian sisters.
The young man playing Santa, when he was small, was
in my Sunday School Class... how special is that?
I'm so blessed and I pray this special season, the Lord
will "Open my eyes" to the needs of others.

Lord, open my eyes,
That I may see.
All the blessings...
You bestow on me.

Lord, open my eyes,
To the hurts of others;
Increase my love...
For my sisters and brothers.

Lord, open my eyes,
To a world of sin,
May I tell them that...
You want to be their friend.

Lord, open my eyes,
My ears and heart,
That my faith in you...
Shall not depart!

Freda Fullerton
December 10, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

From my house to your house,
My Christmas prayer...
May God's hand guide you,
And be with you every hour.

From my house to your house,
My wish for you, is peace,
May God be ever with you,
His blessings to release.

From my house to your house,
May you be surrounded by love
And may our heavenly Father,
Watch over you from above.

From my house to your house,
As we end this year...
May you feel God's presence,
May He ever be near!

Freda Fullerton
December 8, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

King of glory,
You are to me.
King of glory,
O, Christ I see.

King of glory,
Full of grace.
King of glory,
Stood in my place.

King of glory,
Filled with power.
King of glory,
Meets me in prayer.

King of glory,
I want to see.
King of glory,
Who died for me!

Freda Fullerton
December 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Glory to God in the highest,
Peace and goodwill toward man.
Glory to God in the highest,
Shout it over sea and over land.

Glory to God in the highest,
He gave the greatest gift to mankind,
Know that when He gave Him,
He had you on His mind.

Glory to God in the highest,
Let the message ring loud and clear,
That salvation came as a baby,
And hope and comfort are near.

Glory to God in the highest,
A message from Angels of old,
Sent to a world filled with darkness,
Let the message be retold!

Freda Fullerton
December 5, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Tell the world about Jesus,
How He was born in a manger of hay.
Tell the world about Jesus,
Retell the first Christmas Day.

Tell the world about Jesus,
About the Angels singing from afar.
Tell the world about Jesus,
How the wise men followed the star.

Tell the world about Jesus,
There was no room at the inn.
Tell the world about Jesus,
That He came to save us from sin.

Tell the world about Jesus,
How He was born to die.
Tell the world about Jesus,
 He was resurrected and now lives on high.

Tell the world about Jesus,
As you celebrate this season, so dear.
Tell the world about Jesus,
A message that all need to hear!

Freda Fullerton
December 3, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Light a candle for Christmas,
Let the light burn bright.
Show a world in darkness,
That Jesus is the light.

Light a Candle for Christmas.
Show the world the reason,
That you celebrate..,
This very special season.

Light a candle for Christmas,
To welcome loved ones home;
It will draw them near,
From wherever they my roam.

Light a candle for Christmas,
It's glow will ensure,
That God is watching over you
And He will always be near.

Freda Fullerton
December 2, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

As we enter into this special season,
let our message be..."Joy To The World"

Joy to the world...
The Christmas season is here.
Joy to the world...
Spread good-will and cheer.

Joy to the world...
Sing as you go your way.
Joy to the world...
Shout it out today.

Joy to the world...
That can't seem to cope.
Joy to the world...
A message of hope.

Joy to the world...
The angels did sing.
Joy to the world...
Again, let the message ring!

Freda Fullerton
December 1, 2012