Monday, December 31, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This was not this past Christmas, but a few years ago.
Our table has progressed to two tables as our family has grown.

God looks for progress, not perfection.
He does not ask you to run, but to stand.
He does not ask you to do more,
Than He thinks you can.

God looks for progress, not perfection.
He does not ask to set the world on fire,
He only asks you to bloom,
In this place, right where you are.

Good looks for progress, not perfection,
A smile, a hug each day.
You need not convert the world,
Just someone along your way.

God looks for progress, not perfection,
When you stand before Him among the stars,
He will not be looking for medals,
But He will be looking for scars!

Freda Fullerton
December 21, 2012

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