Sunday, June 30, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Our Granddaughter, Katie, seeing herself for the first time in the
fairy-princess dress I made her for her birthday. They grow so fast!
She is now 17.

All that is precious,
Dear Lord, to me,
All that is precious,
My home, my family.

All that is precious,
A country that is free,
All that is precious,
May it ever be.

All that is precious,
God's living Word, so true.
All that is precious,
Lord, my faith in You.

All that is precious,
Includes each Christian friend.
All that is precious,
To be treasured unto the end!

Freda Fullerton
June 30, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Lincoln Memorial in D. C.
This was a man that was certainly "faithful to the finish."

Faithful to the finish,
I want to win this race.
Faithful to the finish,
I'll let God set the pace.

Faithful to the finish,
Though hard may be the way.
Faithful to the finish,
I'll take life, day by day.

Faithful to the finish,
Though my steps may be slow.
Faithful to the finish,
As through this life I go.

Faithful to the finish,
From the path I will not roam.
Faithful to the finish,
Each step I take... leads home!

Freda Fullerton
June 29, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

The time has come...
For Christians to take a stand.
The time has come...
To unite hand in hand.

The time has come...
To give evil a shove.
The time has come...
To call on God above.

The time has come...
To get on our knees and pray.
The time has come...
To tell of Jesus today.

The time has come...
To be in God's word each day.
The time has come...
To teach others His way

Freda Fullerton
June 28, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

If you pray,
Don't panic.
If you panic,
Don't pray.

If you panic,
God is not on the scene.
If you pray,
Say what you really mean.

If you panic,
You lose your concentration.
If you pray,
You gain inspiration.

If you panic,
You lose your way,
If you pray,
You save your day!

Freda Fullerton
June 27, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Our Grandson Jeremy, Graduation from High School.
He is now three years into Medical School. Education
is worth waiting for!

Worth waiting for...
The Christian life.
Worthing waiting for...
Being without worry or strife.

Worth waiting for...
An answers to my prayer.
Worth waiting for...
God's loving, tender care.

Worth waiting for...
The right decision I must make.
Worth waiting for...
The road I must take.

Worth waiting for...
When life comes to and end,
Worth waiting for...
His call... "Welcome, enter in!"

Freda Fullerton
June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Chosen by God,
Before the world began.
Chosen in love,
That has no end.

Chosen to be,
A child of the King.
Chosen to praise,
And to joyfully sing.

Chosen to follow,
God's only Son.
Chosen to serve,
Until my work is done.

Chosen to meet,
Jesus once more.
Chosen to sail,
To heaven's sweet shore!

Freda Fullerton
June 25, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

All day with God,
Whatever you say and do.
All day with God,
He will walk with you.

All day with God,
Though the path, you cannot see.
All day with God,
He's there for you and me.

All day with God,
When the sun is shining bright.
All day with God,
When it seems as dark as night.

All day with God,
He is by your side.
All day with God
Peace with you, shall abide!

Freda Fullerton
June 24, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Peace in God's presence,
Is how I want to live.
Peace in God's presence,
It is what He wants to give.

Peace in God's presence,
even on a storm-tossed sea.
Peace in God's presence,
He has given me.

Peace in God's presence,
When the whole world seems at war.
Peace in God's presence,
My faith He will restore.

Peace in God's presence.
It will ever be.
Peace in God's presence,
His promise to you and me!

Freda Fullerton
June 23, 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the cemetery in Salzburg where the Von Traps hid during the Nazi
takeover, in Austria. Hitler certainly had no tolerance for some people.

With your fellowman.
Will help you understand.

When others seem crude.
When someone has been rude.

When evil seems to win.
When betrayed by a friend.

When others do not forgive you.
In all you say and do!

Freda Fullerton
June 22, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

God's unfailing love
Touches us, each one.
God's unfailing love,
Is there when day is done.

God's unfailing love,
Sees us through each storm.
God's unfailing love,
Was there when we were yet unborn.

God's unfailing love,
Takes us by the hand,
God's unfailing love,
Is hard for us to understand.

God's unfailing love,
Will see us to that distant shore.
God's unfailing love,
Will be with us forevermore!

Freda Fullerton
June 21, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

God's grace...
To cover all my sin.
God's grace...
To cleanse me within.

God's grace...
To carry me through.
God's grace...
For all I say and do.

God's grace...
When I've brought Him shame
God's grace...
When I call His name.

God's grace...
Wherever I may roam.
God's grace...
Will carry me home!

Freda Fullerton
June 20, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Kindness is a universal language
Spoken by every tribe and tongue.
Kindness, you will find
In places that are far flung.

Kindness, makes you feel accepted
In every situation.
Kindness you will find
All across this great, nation.

Kindness, makes this world
A little better place.
Kindness helps you survive,
This life's stressful pace.

Kindness, could end all wars
Across the sea and land.
Kindness, could replace hatred.
As others we understand.

Freda Fullerton
June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our Katie when she was small.

Everything is beautiful
In its own place.
Everything is beautiful,
The smile upon a child's face.

Everything is beautiful
Even young, true love.
Everything is beautiful,
The nesting of a dove.

Everything is beautiful,
The lines upon a older face.
Everything is beautiful
Satin and old lace.

Everything is beautiful,
For God created it all, you see.
Everything is beautiful...
Even you and me!

"He has made everything beautiful in its time"
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Freda Fullerton
June 18, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

The way home
May seem obscure.
The way home
May seem unsure.

The way home
May lead through water's deep.
The way home,
May be a path so steep.

The way home
May be filled with sorrow.
The way home
May have an uncertain tomorrow.

The way home
As I follow the light from afar;
The way home
Has a guiding star.

The way home
I shall find in the end;
The way home
Leads to an everlasting friend!

Freda Fullerton
June 15, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is Francis Scott Key's"Star Spangled Banner," that flew over
Fort Mc Henry in 1814. It now hangs in the Museum of Natural History
in Washington D.C. (The last time we were there they were working on
the restoration of it.) Since today is flag day, be sure to fly your flag.

In over two-hundred years
I have proudly flown,
Over hill and dale
And the great white foam.

I've been torn and stomped
And have seen much blood shed.
I have been loving draped
Over a soldier's last bed.

Now, I am not waving,
So proud and true,
But trembling with worry...
Is my job through?

I've been America's symbol
Of freedom's last stand,
My future is now...
In America's own hand!

God bless America!

Freda Fullerton
June 14, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

God's glory
Shines in creation.
God's glory
In serving this nation.

God's glory
In each day.
God's glory
In the sun's bright ray.

God's glory
Over-shadows all sin
God's glory
Will always win.

God's glory,
Now in part do we see.
God's glory
Awaits in heaven for thee!

Freda Fullerton
June 13, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Calming the storm
Within your heart.
Calming the storm
Love won't depart.

Calming the storm
When fears appear.
Calming the storm
Drying each tear.

Calming the storm
On a restless sea.
Calming the storm
Is Jesus, you see.

Calming the storm,
The winds obey.
Calming the storm,
He's with you today!

Freda Fullerton
June 12, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
A country road on Prince Edward Island

Faith that follows,
Is a faith that cannot see.
Faith that follows,
Is needed by you and me.

Faith that follows,
Is faith that will obey.
Faith that follows,
Is the faith we need today.

Faith that follows,
When it seems an impossible task.
Faith that follows,
Without any quarter asked.

Faith that follows,
God's persistent  call.
Faith that follows,
Is a faith that will not stall.

Faith that follows
God in everything,
Is the kind of faith
That makes the Angels sing!

Freda Fullerton
June 11, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

A place for you,
When you think there's no one to care.
A place for you
Your burdens God will share.

A place for you,
When you don't fit in.
A place for you,
God wants to be your friend.

A place for you,
When others seem to succeed.
A place for you,
God will fulfill your every need.

A place for you,
At the Master's hand.
A place for you,
When you take a stand!

Freda Fullerton
June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Psalm 139: 14

You are wonderfully made
In the image of God.
You are so much more
Than a bit of dirt and sod.

You are wonderfully made,
Knit together in the womb.
A miracle of God,
A flower in full bloom.

You are wonderfully made
A masterpiece from God, you see.
God loves His creation,
That's why He loves thee.

You are wonderfully made,
On the Master Potter's wheel.
He shapes and trims you,
So you may do His will.

Freda Fullerton
June 9, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Jesus certainly walked His talk!

Walk your talk,
Lift someone up today
Walk your talk,
Be kind to those along the way.

Walk your talk,
Gossip, don't repeat.
Walk your talk,
Make your words sweet.

Walk your talk,
Forgive everyone today.
Walk your talk,
Let others see you pray.

Walk your talk,
You are not the judge of others.
Walk your talk,
Love your sisters and your brothers.

Freda Fullerton
June 6, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
My true love and partner in the "seasons of life"

Seasons of life,
Come to us all
Learning to walk,
We falter and fall.

The seasons of life,
Being young and carefree,
Finding true love,
Starting a family.

The seasons of life,
Children grow-up, move away.
Nothing stays the same,
It changes each day.

The seasons of life,
Enduring stormy weather.
Walking hand in hand,
We've grown old together.

Freda Fullerton
June 4, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our graduating seniors at church.
from left to right. David Ahia, Victoria Heuler, Michelle Blanchet
and Christian Heuler. Don Goodwin, our youth minister, honored
them yesterday. A great tribute and great service.
Today's poem was written in June 1992, for our graduating class.
Ron Stow was our youth minister and asked me to write something.
Our graduating seniors that year were Tom Anderson, Georgia Crowson,
John Lantz and Scott Paden. So to our graduating class this month,
This is my advice to you.

Reach our for your dream
On your graduation day.
Stay on the path,
Make God's way your way.

Do not dream of things,
This world thinks are grand.
Look to your Savior,
For Him take a stand.

Do not measure successes
By the world's tarnished rule,
For Proverbs calls
such a one fool.

Measure your successes,
By the golden rule
And the things you were taught
In Sunday School.

Reach out for your dream,
For your life, have a vision,
Make God's Word your guide,
For each important decision.

Look to the future,
But remember the past,
Seek not life's quick-silver,
But things that will last.

Honesty and kindness
A love that is true
And all the good things in life,
Will surely come to you.

Freda Fullerton
June 3, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Joy in the Lord,
Will be your measure.
Joy in the Lord,
Will be your treasure.

Joy in the Lord,
When you arise.
Joy in the Lord,
Today, a sweet surprise.

Joy in the Lord,
Doing His  good will.
Joy in the Lord.
Knowing peace... be still.

Joy in the Lord,
In everything you do.
Joy in the Lord,
Will surely follow you!

Freda Fullerton
June 2, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
A country road:
We can safely follow Jesus when we can't
see the end of the road!

Following Jesus...
Every day.
Following Jesus...
The only way.

Following Jesus...
In times of test.
Following Jesus...
Gives perfect rest.

Following Jesus...
On an unseen path.
Following Jesus...
On Him, my anchor is cast.

Following Jesus...
When in pain and sorrow,
Following Jesus...
Today and tomorrow!

Freda Fullerton
June 1, 2013