Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my garden!
Me preparing a meal for my family,
that pretty much defines who I am.

Be who you are,
As God made you to be.
He makes no mistakes
And it was He that formed thee.

Be who you are,
You are special, you see.
You're made in God's image
So, be all you can be.

Be who you are,
Don't envy sisters and brothers.
You are unique,
But don't try to be better than others.

Be who you are,
How you're wrapped is unimportant, you see
God looks on the heart,
So, be all you can be,

Freda Fullerton
February 12, 2014

1 comment:

  1. That's probably one of the hardest things to learn while growing up, trying to be someone or something that you're not. And I'm still learning!
