Thursday, October 8, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Lord, make me a spark giver,
Help me shine my light.
Lord, make me a spark giver,
Doing things right.

Lord, make me a spark giver,
Light my imagination.
Lord, make me a spark giver,
Fill me with anticipation.

Lord, make me a spark giver,
Place the lonely in my path today.
Lord, make me a spark giver,
Give me someone to hug along the way.

Lord, make me a spark giver,
Smiles are contagious, I know.
Lord, make me a spark giver,
Give me a smile wherever I go!

Lord, make me a spark giver,
For someone follows me.
Lord make me a spark giver,
May I bring them to Thee!

Freda Fullerton
October 8, 2015

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