This is a picture of the wreckage of the house where Jim grew up.
I recently posted a picture of the house I painted for him on one of
the recycled boards from the house. Our lives are sometimes wrecks like
this, when we come to Jesus and He will... "Recycle, Repurpose, Renew."
Recycle, repurpose, renew...
God does this all the time.
Recycle, repurpose, renew...
He whispers, "You are mine."
Recycle, repurpose, renew...
Lives broken and shattered.
Recycle, repurpose, renew...
Relationships that are tattered,
Recycle, repurpose, renew...
Your past is never so black.
Recycle, repurpose, renew...
God will welcome you back.
Recycle, repurpose, renew...
Transformed by God's wonderful grace.
Recycle repurposed renew...
On the cross, Jesus took your place!
Freda Fullerton
April 27, 2016
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