Monday, January 22, 2018

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Today'a poem was taken from today's "Jesus Calling."
There are always thorns with each rose, but we do not
stop loving roses because there are thorns...There are
difficulties with each day, we should, like  the rose, rise
above them.


There's blessings hidden in your difficulties
Don't run from the challenge they bring.
There's blessings hidden in your difficulties
I want you to trust Me in everything.

There's blessings hidden in your difficulties
If you believe I'm Sovereign, you see.
There's blessings hidden in your  difficulties
Embrace them, for I am with thee.

There's blessings hidden in your difficulties
Don't waste energy on mistakes of the past.
There's blessings hidden in your difficulties
For I bring to you peace that will last.

There's blessings hidden in your difficulties
As you journey uphill with Me.
There's blessings hidden in your difficulties
So trust Me, for whatever will be.

Freda Fullerton
January 22, 2018

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