Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Today's poem was taken from today's "Jesus Calling"
"I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:14


You are wonderfully crafted
But you grow weary with age.
So prepare your mind and your spirit
For that part of life's stage.

You are wonderfully crafted
But your body is effected by the years.
With all of life's troubles and sorrows
And all the emotional tears.

You are wonderfully crafted
As you age, identify more fully with Me.
And as your body grows older
You spirit grows younger, you see.

You are wonderfully crafted
But the physical body won't last.
As the process of aging continues
On Me your anchor do cast!

Freda Fullerton
November 20, 2019

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