Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Day 4 on our journey to the cross:
Just before the passover meal in the upper-room, Jesus
washed the feet of His disciples. He even washed the feet of Judas,
knowing that he would betray Him. What an example of forgiveness
for us to follow!

Betrayal is heart breaking
Especially, if one you love and care
Has proven unworthy,
It seems so hard to bear.

You may feel the world's against you,
That you have nowhere to turn.
Your friendship has been rejected,
Your love has been spurn.

Jesus must have had these same feelings,
When one of His very own
Sold Him for thirty silver pieces,
He must have felt so all alone,

He did not seem to be angry.
Only sad, but He knew why,
His betrayal was long predicted
And He knew He had to die.

Judas was remorseful
And he took his life that day
A lesson to be faithful
And never a friend betray!

Freda Fullerton
March 23, 2016

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