Saturday, March 26, 2016

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Our journey to the cross has ended and Jesus has been crucified
and laid in a borrowed tomb. Today is the Sabbath, a day of rest.
This is a post card of the city of Nazareth, the city in which Jesus grew up.
Jesus was not only born a Jew, He kept all the Jewish laws, including the
Sabbath.  So His disciples and family kept the law and rested this day!

The Sabbath, by law
Was a day of rest.
Jesus followers sadly waited
To finish their quest.

They wanted only to attend Him
And rest was hard to bear.
For their Savior was in a tomb
They wanted to be there.

They anxiously waited,
For Sunday's dawn
To fulfill their duty,
To the tomb they were drawn.

They prepared their spices
As they said  a prayer...
Asking God to guide them,
For their Leader was no longer there!

Freda Fullerton
March 26, 2016

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