Saturday, June 30, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is a beautiful cactus flower. The cactus only blooms
once a year, around the middle of May. The rest of the
year it is just a barren cactus plant... but it "shines anyway,"
once a year.

If you're you criticized
For the things you do today
Well, hang in there
And shine anyway.

Do you feel invisible
And think you don't count for much?
Well, shine anyway,
You'll feel the Master's touch.

Do you get discouraged,
Thinking all is lost?
Well, shine anyway,
Do not count the cost.

Do you fail to see results,
When you witnesses every day?
Believe, the harvest belongs to God
And shine anyway!

Freda Fullerton
June 30, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our granddaughter, Katie, and I, riding Dumbo when she was small.
No matter where you go or what you do ... "The world is watching !"

The world is watching
What you do...
You're influencing someone
That will follow you.

The world is watching
How you live...
If you're generous,
If you give.

The world is watching
How you walk...
The world is watching
How you talk.

The world is watching,
Just to see...
If they see Jesus
Living in thee!

Freda Fullerton
June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I seem to write a lot about hope, but without hope people die
spiritually and physically. The Psalmist seem to recognize the
importance of hope, for so many of the Psalm are centered on hope.
Doesn't it seem it would be easier to hope in beautiful surroundings
like this?

We need something to hope for
As we trudge through this life.
We need hope...
To help us conquer strife.

We need something to hope for
When life shatters at our feet,
Something to hope for,
When trials we must meet.

We need something to hope for
When we're overwhelmed with sorrow
Something to hope for,
To face the grief of tomorrow.

We have something to hope for
In a Savior, who went to the cross
To save us from our sins...
Never counting the cost!

Freda Fullerton
June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the Bar J Ranch in Jacksonhole, WY.
The wrangles served us a delicious meal then
they entertained us afterward. Jim's back was
giving him some problems, but he went anyway
and we had a great time. "A blessing in disguise."

Misfortunes are sometimes
Blessings in disguise;
They make you stronger.
They make you wise.

People that have to slow down,
Because of some ill health,
Learn that their misfortune
Has brought them peaceful wealth.

Some who lose their job,
Find a new career
And feel it is God's hand
That has brought them here.

Some must move away
Leaving family and friends behind,
They soon make new friends
And than don't seem to mind.

If you are facing some misfortune
Won't you try and see
That it's a blessings in disguise
And God is directing thee.

Freda Fullerton
June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Many people have touched my life, but none so much as
this handsome man, whom I've called husband for the
last fifty-eight and a half years. Jim still touches my life
in so many ways!

People who touch your life
With you, will always be,
For they live within your heart,
In your special memory.

People who touch your life
Will change it forevermore;
They have made you who you are
And left you better than before.

People who touch your life,
Leave imprints on your heart;
Their influence will follow you
And never from you depart.

People who touch your life
Make life worthwhile,
They help you through the dark days
Keeping you going every mile.

People who touch your life
Help you prepare for eternity,
Making your happiness complete,
Giving strength to thee!

Freda Fullerton
June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This little guy looks like someone's faults is making
his hair stand on end!

God loves me with all my faults;
He sees just what I can be.
His grace covers all my sins
And yes, he loves even me!

With all my faults,
His child I'll be...
I'm still in His workshop,
He's still working on me.

With all my faults,
What God sees in me
Is a miraculous thing,
How can it be?

With all my faults,
How could I dare?
Complain of others,
whose faults I share!

Freda Fullerton
June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the little cemetery  at Cheery Creek, Arkansas where my
brother is buried and also my grandparents and great grandparents
and a lot of aunts uncles and cousins. Today is Decoration Day there.
I wish I could be there to pay my respect and to visit with family
and friends.
Hope lives beyond the grave!

Hope lives...
Even when things seem hopeless to you;
Hope lives...
For God will always see you through.

Hope lives...
Even in a hospital room;
Hope lives...
Even when you have to say goodbye too soon.

Hope lives...
Even when you stand by a grave;
Hope lives...
When you're trying hard to be brave.

Hope lives...
On and on you see,
For Christ died...
To bring hope to you and me.

Hope lives...
This world is not the end;
Hope lives...
In heaven my friend!

Freda Fullerton
June 24, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Almost twenty years ago we moved from our home of
thirty-eight years to this mobile home. I was surprised that
I didn't miss my house. Than I realized everything important
had been moved to the mobile home, which proves it doesn't
matter whether it's a mansion or a log cabin where love abides,
it's home! "Home Is Where The Hear Is"

Home is where the heart is,
So some will say,
Make it a place...
Where family wants to stay.

Home should be a refuge
No matter large or small,
It should enfold its occupants
With love over all.

Home is a training school,
For the children dear,
So teach them to love God
While you have them near.

Home is a memory
Of good times, good food and love,
Until the time we go home
To the one prepared above.

Freda Fullerton
June 23, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is part of my cactus garden. The picture was taken
at seven in the evening, but looks like mid-day.

Walking at night with God
Is not an easy thing.
We follow well in the sunshine
But fear, what night will bring.

Walking at night with God
Requires faith, you see,
For the path is obscure,
I must rely on God, not me.

Walking at night with God,
Means what ever will be will be;
I will continue the journey
Though the path I cannot see.

Walking at night with God,
Holding to His unchanging hand,
Even though I'm afraid
I know that He'll understand!

Freda Fullerton
June 22, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
These words in John proves the importance of the Word.
Will you join me and pray daily that we will always have
the freedom to read God's Word, worship and to pray to Him
both in public and private? Thank God each day for those
men and women who sacrificed so much (some gave their lives)
so that we could have God's Word so freely today.

Do you want to hear God speak?
Read His Word...
The Bible is the voice of God
It is where He's heard.

Do you want to know God's will,
For your life each day?
Read His word...
And you will find all He has to say.

Do you want to live in peace?
The answer you will find,
If you search the Scripture
You will have peace of mind.

Are you a bit confused?
Have you lost your way?
The Bible is God's compass,
It helps you on the path to stay.

Do you want to travel home?
Then know the Bible will tell you
Just how to find your way
And just what to do!

Freda Fullerton
June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Vessels or pots can hold a thing of beauty, such as
these flower pots in this picture. That's what God
planned when He left the gospel in "earthen vessels,"
we must depict it as a thing of beauty!

I think it is a miracle
That God would plan, you see,
To leave the living gospel
In earthen vessels like you and me.

Earthen vessels..
With such frailty, weakness galore,
Just what was God thinking,
What must He had in store?

There's no need to fret
About the answer, we don't have today
For God will work it out
In His Own Divine way.

I think He left His message
In earthen vessels, for the world to see,
That in our very weakness...
His power is made to be!

Freda Fullerton
June 20, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Yes, that will do it! Chocolate will bring on laughter!
This is our granddaughter Katie, when she was small,
enjoying chocolate at grandma's house.

Laughter can be healing
It's been proven, you see,
So thank God for laughter
And what it can do for thee.

Thank God for laughter,
When days seem to go wrong
Look for some humor
Think of a funny song.

Thank God for laughter
And sending you friends,
Who sees the funny side
Of life's outs and ins.

Laughter is good medicine
A good laugh each day
Is better than a pill,
So some will say.

Keep laughter in your life
And a smile on your face,
Then you can meet tomorrow
And its problems embrace!

Freda Fullerton
June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
These two seem confident that God's on the night watch!

God's on the night watch,
So you can sleep with ease.
He will take care of things,
You just must believe.

God's on the night watch,
Keeping tender care,
So just remember...
He will always be there.

God's on the night watch,
He sees all your pain
And knows what you suffer
Is not all in vain.

God's on the night watch,
If you're feeling all alone and blue
Know He's keeping vigil
And He will take care of you.

Freda Fullerton
June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is two of my favorite father's, My husband, Jim and our son,
John. I received a quote this week from Heartwarmers: Dad your
someone to look up to, no matter how tall I've grown." It certainly
fits my two favorite men! Happy 49th Birthday John!

The measure of a man
Is not his money in the bank.
The measure of a man
Is not what the world may think.

The measure of a man
Is not his career.
The measure of a man
Is how he treats those he holds dear.

The measure of a man
Is not his degrees on the wall
The measure of a man
Is not if he's short or tall.

The measure of a man
Is his abiding faith
And if he rests in the providence
Of God's Amazing Grace!

Freda Fullerton
June 17, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is me  age 7 fishing at Henshaw Lake.  From
The looks of that pole, it's probably a miracle that I
caught even one small fish!

Create a miracle today,
It may just be a smile,
But it may change a life
Of someone in denial.

Create a miracle today,
Do some small deed
Asking nothing in return
Of someone that's in need.

Create a Miracle today,
Stop a gossip's tongue.
Create a miracle today,
Encourage the very young.

Create a miracle today,
Tell the old, old story,
How Jesus came to earth
And left His home in glory.

He lived and died,
To save a world that's lost
And created a miracle the day
He died upon a cross!

Freda Fullerton
June 16, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
It looks like this cute little guy is finding answers for himself!

God can answer all your whys,
But He may choose not to do so.
There are things in this life,
That we may never know.

It is not important to know,
Before God, what was?
How deep is the ocean
And how high is the sky above?

Or to know where
Was Eden's geographical location?
Where did Cain get his wife?
What were the Nephilim's real occupation?

These trivial questions
Would not save our soul,
What we need to know,
Has clearly been told.

Do not ponder foolish questions,
Waste not your time, you see,
For God gave the important answers
To you and to me!

Freda Fullerton
June 15, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is Francis Scott Key's Star Spangled Banner that flew over
Fort Mc Henry in 1814 It now hangs in the National Museum of
American History. (The last time we were there, they were working
on the restoration of it) Since today is Flag Day, be sure to fly your flag.

Freedom is not free
Fly old glory high,
For what we enjoy today,
So many had to die.

Freedom is not free
Let old glory wave
Show your appreciation,
For men and women so very brave.

Freedom is not free,
So let us all be true
And honor our freedom's symbol
The red, white and blue.

Freedom is not free,
In this country we love so much
May we look to God for guidance
And feel the Master's touch.

We want to pause and remember
As we fly our flag today,
That freedom is not free,
For too many had to pay!

Freda Fullerton
June 14, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden
This lily is growing in a neighbor's yard down the street.
The poem was written several years ago, inspired by a
lesson given by Helen Young, at a Ladies Day, at the
Anaheim Church of Christ.

As we see a lily standing straight and tall,
We see in yonder lily lessons for us all.

First, we see the color, so white and so pure,
That reminds us of the Savior, so blessed and so dear.

The beauty of God's handiwork is there for all to see,
If He cares for the lily, He cares for you and me.

The roots of the lily grow deep into the sod,
May we have the depth of faith to draw us close to God.

The lilies' radiant flowers bloom for a fleeting day,
But ah, the memory lingers after they've gone away.

Life, much like the lily, is but for a little while,
So spread sunshine while you're here, always wear a smile.

As the Father up in heaven, promised us harvest fair to all,
He promised us four seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall.

With spring, the planted lily pushes forth its glorious bloom
To promise, death will never hold its prey, prisoner of a tomb!

Freda Fullerton
June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is me, visiting family back home.

"God, I'm just one person."
"Yes, but you are one
And I only need one to tell what I have done."

"God, I'm just one person.
How can I be of use?"
He said, "you are one,
So don't use that excuse."

"How can I influence the world,
When I am just one?"
He said, "You begin, just one,
That's how it is done."

"God, I'm just one person
And the world is so full of sin."
"You begin with your own life,
That's how others you win!"

Freda Fullerton
June 12, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
A long ago picture of Shamu's stage. Shamu certainly doesn't
need a dress rehearsal.

Life is not a dress rehearsal
We only pass this way one time,
So make it your best performance
Right now, the stage is thine.

Life is not a dress rehearsal,
You do not get a replay,
So give it your best shot;
You only have today.

Life is not a dress rehearsal,
We can't rewind the film,
So be sure you know your lines,
As God calls you to follow Him.

Life is not a dress rehearsal
And when the curtain falls;
Be sure in the life you lived
That your gave it your all!

Freda Fullerton
June 11, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Words that restore should be as soft s this bunny.
When I worked I had this caption on my bulletin
board. "Lord, today make my words soft and sweet,
for tomorrow I may have to eat them."

They say...
It takes forty words of praise to wipe out
One word of criticism,
That causes so much doubt.

Some may think it their gift,
To say hurtful things and be a bore.
Dear Lord, I pray to you,
Let me use words that will restore.

Words that will be helpful
To those who struggle every day,
Words that will lift them up
And help them on their way.

Give me a special gift
To use words that they need to hear,
Words that will restore
And let then know that You are near!

Freda Fullerton
June 10, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
A sunrise is a promise of a new day and nothing gives you
that,"glad to be alive,"feeling like a sparkling new day!

Today is a new beginning.
It is completely new...
You may use it for good or bad,
It is entirely up to you.

Today is a new beginning.
A day for a fresh view,
To begin really living,
To follow God in all you do.

Today is a new beginning.
Leave no room for regrets.
Thank God for each moment,
From sunrise until the sunsets.

Today is a new beginning.
It is a gift from God to you;
It comes with a clean slate
And is completely new!

Freda Fullerton
June 9, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is an Amish farmer in his field, near Lancaster, PA.
The Amish are very at peace with who they are and do not
wish to be like the rest of us. We could learn something
from these peaceful people.

Do not wish to be different
That's a waste of time, you see,
Just try to improve yourself
And be all that you can be.

Do not wish to be different.
God made you as you are.
He never makes mistakes,
You are His special star.

Do not wish to be different,
Those you think beautiful, may be;
Wishing for the attributes
That God has given thee.

Do not wish to be different,
Or in a different place;
God has made you very special
And put you in this time and space!

Freda Fullerton
June 8, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
These are camels grazing in Israel, God's promise land to His people.
We who are His people today are looking for a new promise land.

"Comfort my people,"
Is God's urgent, call today,
"You are my hands and feet
And my voice, I say.

Comfort my people,
With healing words of love
And I will send you blessings
From my home above.

Comfort my people,
When they've fallen by the way,
Bring them back into the fold;
Hurry, don't delay!

Comfort my people,
When their burdens are hard to bear;
Put your arms around them
Let them know that you care.

Comfort my People,
As through this world they go,
Then you too shall know comfort
As you travel here below!"

Freda Fullerton
June 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is Jim and me in the Japanese garden at the Huntington Library.
Flowers are certainly one of the nicest happenings of life!

Life happens...
We can't pretend it's not there.
We can't hide from it anywhere.
We can't pretend, we do not care.

From life we can't retire
And say this is enough,
There is nowhere to hide,
When things get tough.

Life happens...
It moves to its own time,
Day follows night,
Winter snows becomes spring's bloom.

Life happens...
So, we should relax, you see,
Let things flow around us
And unfold naturally!

Freda Fullerton
June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is my dad, Clyde McCoy playing the mandolin. His
friend, Irvin Streukle playing the banjo. His cousin, Merle McCoy
playing the fiddle and his friend Cliff Taylor playing the guitar,
making good old country music, with mom's cousin, Tressie Barnett
looking on. Sadly, they've all passed away!
The secret of the success of making great music is practice-practice-practice,
so I'm told. I can't play any musical instrument!

The secret to success...
Refuse to let set-backs defeat,
Know if you're down today,
Tomorrow you'll be back on your feet.

The secret of success...
From your vocabulary, "can't," you erase.
You must believe...
Improvement comes, when tomorrow you face.

The secret of success...
You must believe in yourself, that's true,
But you must also believe,
That God is there with you.

See opportunity in hardship,
In failure, say, "soon it will be..
That success is around the corner
And it's just waiting for me!"

Freda Fullerton
June 5, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Mountains like this would be difficult to climb, but
the view would be awesome. You may not be a
physical mountain climber, but as part of the human
race, you have mountains to climb... continue to climb!

Life is not a holding tank
Keep on the move, you see,
Continue to climb,
Be all you can be.

Continue to climb,
When the pathway is steep,
Rely on your God
Your footsteps to keep.

Continue to climb,
When the path is obscure,
Keep moving along
God's promises are sure.

Continue to climb,
When tears dim your sight,
When your feet keep slipping back
And nothing goes right.

Continue to climb,
Till the summit you find,
Then all your worries and struggles
Will be left behind!

Freda Fullerton
June 4, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Sometimes God creates the beauty around us without
the hand of man, as in this field of wildflowers.

The beauty around us
Was created by the hand of God.
Man has tried to destroy it,
With the blood spilt upon the sod.

The beauty around us
Was created for you and me,
But sometimes we are so busy,
The beauty we do not see.

The fields and the valleys,
The mountain's majesty,
The flowers as they unfold,
The rivers and the deep, blue sea;

All have been created
By a loving Father's hand
And like an earthly father,
He wants us to understand,

That He wants to bless us
And guide us from above,
The beauty around us,
Is a message of His love!

Freda Fullerton
June 3, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This was a sunset cruise on the bay of Honolulu,
Hawaii. The sun certainly shines there most of the

The sun is always shining,
Somewhere, when the sun sets here
And the night is nigh...
The sun is rising elsewhere.

The sun is always shining,
Somewhere, in some far off land,
So if your night is dark
Reach out and take God's hand.

He will reassure you
That though you cannot see.
Somewhere in this world the sunshines
And it will rise again for thee.

So though the night be weary,
Know that day is near,
God is there beside you,
He whispers, "Do not fear!"

Freda Fullerton
June 2, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is me... Mrs. Pumpkin, at one of our pumpkin days
when I was director of the children's  programs.
If God will use me, and I'm about as imperfect as you get,
He will use you as well!

God can use imperfect people,
In fact, He had rather see
A willing heart...
Than a perfect me.

God can use imperfect people,
For He has all consuming power,
To perfect His flock...
As He's doing so this hour.

God can use imperfect people
To be His hands, His feet,
For it is His love...
That makes each of us complete.

God can use imperfect people,
For just where would He find,
If He searched the whole wide world,
For the very perfect kind!