Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Yes, that will do it! Chocolate will bring on laughter!
This is our granddaughter Katie, when she was small,
enjoying chocolate at grandma's house.

Laughter can be healing
It's been proven, you see,
So thank God for laughter
And what it can do for thee.

Thank God for laughter,
When days seem to go wrong
Look for some humor
Think of a funny song.

Thank God for laughter
And sending you friends,
Who sees the funny side
Of life's outs and ins.

Laughter is good medicine
A good laugh each day
Is better than a pill,
So some will say.

Keep laughter in your life
And a smile on your face,
Then you can meet tomorrow
And its problems embrace!

Freda Fullerton
June 19, 2012

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