Saturday, July 14, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

I'm too young to be eighty,
It's just a number anyway.
I'm too young for a rocking chair,
Getting younger every day!

I'm too young to be eighty,
I don't have wrinkles, just laugh lines.
I'm too young to be eighty,
Remembering all the good times.

I'm too young to be eighty,
I've so much left to do.
I'm making a bucket list,
Doing a lot of living before I'm through.

I'm too young to be eighty,
My heart says "twenty-one;"
After all it's just a number
And I'm putting old-age on the run!

Said with tongue in cheek I'm thankful for all the
years God has given me.

Freda Fullerton
July 14, 2012

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