Thursday, January 16, 2014

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Today is our 60th Wedding Anniversary. Jim has been my best friend.
He has loved me, cherished me, encouraged me, took care of me and stood
by me... he has truly been "the wind beneath my wings."And I know our
love will endure beyond this life.

I want to stroll across heaven with you,
Where Jesus is there in plain view.
There, I'll never be blue...
When I stroll across heaven with you.

I want to walk with you through the day
Meet old friends by the way
And say how-do-you-do?
When I stroll across heaven with you.

If you get there before me
And Jesus you see,
Tell Him... soon I'm coming too
I want to stroll across heaven with you.

Just like kids, we shall be
Happy, care-free...
We shall be good as new,
When I stroll across heaven with you!

Freda Fullerton
January 16, 2014

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