Friday, July 10, 2015

Freda's Garden:

Welcome o my Garden!
This is an Amish farmer, near Lancaster, PA. the season of
summer is a busy time in the life of a farmer and the season
of summer is a busy time in life as well. Small children, church
and school activities and often, both mom and dad work!

Seasons ups and downs,
The season of the young.
The season's ups and downs,
Untried, unwise and unsung.

The seasons ups and downs,
Young adults, experiencing life.
The seasons of ups and downs.
Some relationships bring strife.

The seasons of ups and downs,
The middle years, with children all around.
The seasons ups and downs,
Children bring both laughter and tears I've found.

The seasons ups and downs,
Senior years bring both joy and sorrow.
The seasons ups and downs,
God holds every season's tomorrow!

Freda Fullerton
July 10, 2015

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