Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is Jim and I at Beavertail Lighthouse, in  Jamestown,
Rhode Island.
God's love is like the will never run out!


God's grace will never run out
It is with you all of your days.
God's love will never run out
You will see it in many ways.

God's patience will never run out,
No, it is ever with you then.
God's faithfulness will never run out
When you mess up again and again.

God's forgiveness will never run out
It is deep as the ocean, high as the sky..
God' sympathy will never run out
All your tears, He will dry.

God'a plan will never run out
He has big plans for you.
God's promises will never run out
They are sure and true!

Freda Fullerton
August 10, 2016

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