Thursday, September 8, 2016

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is me wading in the Dead Sea.
It's called the dead sea because it is too salty for anything to live in it.
 The water is not living water, but dead water. Without
Jesus our soul is like the Dead sea!


Jesus is the living water
And thirty your soul may be.
He invites you to drink freely,
He offers water that is free.

Jesus is the living water
If you drink from another source
You'll find your thirst is unquenched
You will be thirsty again of course.

Jesus is the living water
You will thirst nevermore.
He is also the bread of life,
Your soul, He will restore.

Jesus is the living water
Drink feely from this stream.
So many blessings await you,
More wonderful than any dream!

Freda Fullerton
September 8, 2016

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