Friday, May 31, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is the cemetery in Salzburg  where the Von Trapp family
hid from the Nazis. (In Sound Of Music)

A place to hide...
When things go wrong.
A place to hide...
When I don't belong.

A place to hide...
When it's a bad day.
A place to hide...
When trouble comes my way.

A place to hide...
When stormy winds blow.
A place to hide...
When sorrows overflow.

A place to hide...
Beneath God's wings, secure.
A place to hide...
In His love, so dear!

Freda Fullerton
May 31, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:

God's word is our compass
And a map for us each day.
God's word is our compass
And a lamp to light our way.

God's word is our compass,
It is our guide for life.
God's word is our compass,
It will keep us from all strife.

God's word is our compass,
We need to read it every day.
God's word is our compass,
With it, we won't lose our way.

God's word is our compass,
When we feel lost and alone.
God's word is our compass,
It will lead us home!

Freda Fullerton
May 30, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
A card from the past from our granddaughter, Katie

From the heart...
Love those who are down.
From the heart...
Let mercies abound.

From the heart...
Serve every day.
From the heart...
Teach others the way.

From the heart...
Offer a prayer.
From the heart...
For others always be there.

From the heart...
Love deep in your soul.
From the heart...
Tell Jesus' story... be bold!

Freda Fullerton
May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
I love this picture from my old King James Bible.

Never alone...
When Jesus you know.
Never alone...
Wherever you go.

Never alone...
Though dark be the way.
Never alone...
He's with you each day.

Never alone...
When decisions are made.
Never alone...
When you feel afraid.

Never alone...
Just send up a prayer.
Never alone...
He's always there!

Freda Fullerton
May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Arlington Cemetery in D.C.
Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his
life for his friends. John 15:13

They gave up all their tomorrow's,
For the  freedom we enjoy today.
They gave up their hopes and dreams,
So that we could have a better way.

They marched across this nation,
With freedom in their breast.
They sailed across the ocean
To meet each and every test.

They fell at Valley Forge.
They marched through Tennessee.
They bled and died at Gettysburg,
So that we might live free.

They fought oppression in the Forest of Argonne,
Battled beneath the Verdun sky,
As they fought the war of wars,
Where so many were to die.

They stood on Iwo Jima
And raised Ole Glory way up high,
As cries of fallen comrades
Reached far into the sky.

In the battle of the Bulge,
Were young men, brave and true.
They stumbled upon the beach heads,
Trying to make it through.

They were there in Korea,
Some not knowing why?
Only knowing it was ordered
And some would surely die.

They fought in Vietnam,
Not knowing friend or foe,
With peers at home protesting,
Wailing sad, sad songs of woe.

They showed up in Croatia,
Were there in Desert Storm,
Brought freedom to Afghanistan,
Protecting Iraq was just the norm.

They had plans for a future.
They had loved ones left behind,
They were sacrificed for others
Heroes... the very valiant kind!

Freda Fullerton
May 27, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our youngest grandson, Jeremy. He is in the Army,
going to medical school. He will graduate next May. He has
not been in harms way yet, but is willing to go wherever the
Army sends him.

God bless our men and women in the military
Especially, those that are in harms way.
I pray Your hand will guide them,
And keep them safe today.

They have sacrificed so much,
To keep this country free.
Keep them beneath Your wings,
May they abide with Thee.

Give them all the assurance,
That the folks they left behind.
Are keeping vigilance,
And have them on our mind.

They stand for courage and honor
They pay such a high fee...
And the freedom we enjoy,
Is certainly not FREE!

Freda Fullerton
May 26, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is a picture of me working in the Bacti Lab at Kraft Foods.
I often looked through the lens of my bacti counter, counting mold
and coliform., But God doesn't look through the eyes of a counter,
for imperfections... He looks through the "lens of love."

Looking through the lens of love,
God gave His only Son.
Looking through the lens of love,
He died for everyone.

Looking through the lens of love,
Christ forgave them all.
Looking through the lens of love,
He picks us up, when we fall.

Looking through the lens of love,
His patience is never thin.
Looking through the lens of love,
He cleanses us within.

Looking through the lens of love,
Jesus returned to heaven to prepare a way,
Looking through the lens of love,
He promised to return some day!

Freda Fullerton
May 25, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Tired of being strong,
Need a shoulder to lean on?
Tired of being strong,
Want a rescuer to come along?

Tired of being strong?
Rest beneath His wing, so sure.
Tired of being strong?
Lean on God and be secure.

Tired of being strong,
Want to ease your busy day?
Tired of being strong?
Get on your knees and pray.

Tired of being strong,
Want a lift within your heart?
Tired of being strong?
God's been with you from the start!

Freda Fullerton
May 24, 2012

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

The high price of guilt
You will never feel free.
The high price of guilt,
Is there a restlessness in thee?

The high price of guilt,
Will compromise your health.
The high price of guilt,
Will slip upon you with stealth.

The high price of guilt,
Will give you a heavy heart.
The high price of guilt,
Peace from you will depart.

The high price of guilt,
Is a waisted thing you see.
The high price of guilt,
Has been paid for thee.

Freda Fullerton
May 23, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Freda's Garden!

Welcome to my Garden!

Stop and see
What God may see,
What He has created
For you and me.

Rivers and valleys,
Mountains and wildflowers
See all the beauty
That is surely ours.

We need not be rich
To enjoy such things,
Just look at creation
And the beauty it brings.

When life gets a bit jaded
And you lose your way,
Just stop and see,
All God's beauty today.

Freda Fullerton
May 22, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
A sunset in Hawaii.

Be on the look-out for wonder,
You will find it everywhere.
Be on the look-out for wonder,
In a sunset, you'll find it there.

Be on the look-out for wonder,
In unexpected places.
Be on the look-out for wonder,
In unexpected faces.

Be on the look-out for wonder,
In each lovely sunrise.
Be on the lookout for wonder,
Today, expect a sweet surprise.

Be on the look-out for wonder,
Listen for the bird's sweet song.
Be on the look-out for wonder,
As you travel along!

Freda Fullerton
May 21, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is my farmer dad with one of his cows. Today would have
been his birthday, so the following poem is in his honor.

My daddy's hands,
Were a farmer's hands
That loved the soil,
Of the fertile lands.

My daddy's hands,
Were a musician's hands
That loved the tunes
Of the country bands.

My daddy's hands,
Were a carpenter's hands,
That were calloused and worn,
As the job demands

My daddy's hands,
Were hands that loved flowers,
Sweet-peas and roses,
He tended for hours.

My daddy's hands,
As my mind doth research
Were the hands that led songs
At a small country church.

My daddy's hands
Were all of these... understand,
They were the hands
Of a hard-working man!

Freda Fullerton
May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

God's throne is always accessible,
He is always there.
His line is always open
To give His tender care.

God's throne is always accessible,
For He never sleeps.
He's always on the job
And His love is for keeps.

God's throne is always accessible,
Call any time night or day.
And you shall find,
That He will not be far away.

God's throne is always accessible,
Not like an earthly king,
You can walk right in,
Your presence  is not unseen.

God's throne is always accessible,
For He's your Father, you see
And like our earthly father,
He's always available for you and me

Freda Fullerton
May 19, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Here am I.. send me,
Was the prophet's cry.
Here am I... send me,
Can I go without a why?

Here am I ... use me,
I should implore,
But I  instead, I say...
God help me more!

Here Am I... see me.
I  say when I pray.
I want God's blessings
To be with me each day.

Here am I... free me,
I say when I have some sin.
And God answers softly,
"I'm here, please let me in!"

Freda Fullerton
May 18, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Find rest in Him,
He will be your stay.
Find rest in Him,
He'll show you the way.

Find rest in Him,
Snuggle beneath His wing.
Find rest in Him,
His love is a wondrous thing.

Find rest in Him,
Give Him your heavy load.
Find rest in Him
There's peace in His abode.

Find rest in Him,
When the storms of life hit thee.
Find rest in Him,
He will calm your restless sea!

Freda Fullerton
May 17, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Our granddaughter Katie, when she was small. She is painting with
grandma... much more fun than doing "housework"

I don't have the time.
I must write another verse or rhyme.

I had rather read a book.
I rather dream in some cozy nook.

I'll paint a picture instead.
The dull repetition I dread.

You just have to do it again.
Instead, I'll just call a friend!

Freda Fullerton
May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is a family cemetery where my baby brother is buried.
Cheery Creek, Arkansas.

In your deepest need,
In your deepest sorrow,
Just call out to God,
He'll be there today... tomorrow.

In your deepest need,
With an empty heart,
When your soul is low,
His love will not depart.

In your deepest need,
When a loved one's laid to rest,
God whispers softly...
"I only take the best."

In your deepest need,
When you've lost your way,
Just get on your knees,
Fold your hands and pray!

Freda Fullerton
May 15, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

One by one...
God forgives our sin.
One by one...
He's with us to the end.

One by one...
He knows each of us by name.
One by one...
He loves us all the same.

One by one...
He calls, "Follow Me."
One by one,
He gives hope to all, you see.

One by one...
He whispers, "You'll never be alone."
One by one...
He calls His children home!

Freda Fullerton
May 14, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is a beautiful basket of goodies I received in the mail
from our lovely daughter Janet and her sweet husband Richard.
While I loved all the gifts I received for Mother's Day, the best
gifts were the time they gave of themselves in visits, FB posts
and calls!

The best gift...
A gift that's free,
A friendly smile,
That is so lovely.

The best gift...
A hug goodnight,
Arms that hold you,
Making all things right.

The best gift...
Taking time to pray,
For those you love
And think about each day.

The best gift...
Is Salvation, you see,
For it is freely given
To you and me.

Freda Fullerton
May 13, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Happy Mother's day to all you mothers.
This is a picture of mom taken on one
Mother's day.

There was this gift that understands
In the touch of my mother's hands.

They held mine on a cold, dark night
Reassured me that things would be alright.

Her cool touch on my fevered brow
Always made me feel better somehow.

There was this gift that understands
In the touch of my mother's hands.

When disappointment spoiled my day
Her gentle touch made it go away.

When some naughty deed brought me shame
I'd feel her touch, hear her call my name.

I always knew by her touch and glance,
I'd been given another chance.

It was God above I understand...
That gave that special touch to my mother's hand.

When she stands before Him, I now the first thing He'll see,
Are my mother's hands, that meant the world to me!

Freda Fullerton
May 12, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
Mother's Day flowers from our granddaughter, Kristen.

Mothers are partners with God.
His arms to hold you tight,
His voice to sing softly,
His lips to kiss goodnight.

His tears to share your sorrow,
His hands to dry your tears,
His feet to walk beside you,
Through your growing years.

His back to labor always,
For the blessings you need,
Between God and mothers
Is this unspoken creed...

Of patience and forgiveness,
Sacrifice and love...
Yes, mothers are willing partners,
With our God above!

Freda Fullerton
May 11, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This was taken many moons ago. John will be 50 next month.
A mother never stops praying for her children, no matter how
old they are!

My God I think you,
For the gift of life you give.
I thank you for love,
And laughter and the right to live.

I thank you for, each child you give,
All your love and grace,
As I hold them close to me
And see each loving face.

May I cherish each moment spent with them,
Each tear, each hug, each smile,
Please help me to remember,
They are small for such a little while.

As they begin to toddle,
Falter walk and run,
I pray your hand will guide them
Each daughter and each son.

As the days slip into years
And quickly fly away,
May I tell them of your love
And teach them how to pray.

What shall be my greatest gift to them?
To bring to you each one.
When my task is finished,
May I hear you whisper... "Job well done!"

Freda Fullerton
May 10, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is my mom and her three sisters.
On the left is Aunt Eula then Aunt Ethel,
my mom and Aunt Ila.

My mom died 20 years ago today, on Mother's Day!
Remembering my mom today with the following poem.
If you have lost loved ones I hope this poem will  be of
comfort to you.
It was taken from three different Scriptures. Psalm 30:5
1 Corinthians 2:9 and Romans 8:18

Weeping last for a night,
Morning breaks, with joyous ray.
When all pain has ceased
And tears are wiped away.

Night comes to mortal man,
But daybreak is in view.
In that land where is no night,
Where all is made new.

No mortal  eye has seen, no ear has heard,
No mind has yet conceived,
What God has prepared,
For those who believe.

To the glory, yet revealed,
Our suffering's can't compare,
When we're made whole again,
In heaven's land, so fair.

This is not good-bye to you.
Grieve not for me I say...
I'll meet you in the morning,
Where night has turned to day!

Freda Fullerton
May 9, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is mom, feeding her chickens, when we lived on the farm.
If you lived on a farm when you were a kid, you may relate to
today's poem!

The winds that blow about me,
That touch my heart and soul,
Are the winds of memory
That o're my mind doth roll.

When I see familiar faces,
Or recall names from the past,
It causes a rush of memories,
That flood my mind so fast.

When I hear the cattle lowing,
Or thunder roll from a distant hill,
It reminds me of "supper time."
And the first call of a whippoorwill.

There are certain smells,
That bring pictures to my heart and mind,
Wild-flowers, wood smoke,
And smells of cedar and of pine.

I never see a wash-pot,
Or clothes flapping in the breeze,
That I don't think of my mama, o'er the rub board,
 Scrubbing at our collars and our sleeves.

When I eat a country breakfast,
Of sausage, bacon and biscuits too,
I recall my childhood
And the things I use to do.

How I loved the red-eye gravy,
And good old country ham,
Butter, mixed with molasses,
Or mama's homemade jam.

Yes, the winds of memory,
O're my mind doth blow,
I pray to God in Heaven,
It will always be thus so!

Freda Fullerton
May 8, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is our granddaughter Katie, when she first came home. She
spent the first two months in the hospital, because she was born
3 months premature.

The heart of a mother
Is a wonderful thing.
To her small baby
A lullaby it will sing.

It's a heart that cries softly,
When she must leave the small dear
In a hospital room,
Because it was born premature.

For each hurt and each pain
A mothers hearts' full of empathy.
He child is never too old
To receive all her sympathy.

A mother's heart has a chamber,
A very special place,
That has an unending
Storage of grace.

He Child may defy her,
Say a most hurtful thing,
She will open her heart
And love just the same.

I think it quite possible,
And I don't think it odd,
In the heart of a mother
Is the heart of God!

Freda Fullerton
May 7, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is a friendship quilt that my mom and grandma started
for me when I was about 10. They cut out the pieces and gave them
to relatives and friends and they pieced them and embroidered their names
on the block. My mom set it together after I married and I didn't get
a quilted until last year. I quilted it by hand and I gave it to our daughter
Janet. So some of the pieces are about 70 years old.

I remember grandma piecing quilts
Around the old fireplace.
Winter winds howling around the house,
Like a tiger on a chase.

New snow on the ground,
Ice hanging from the trees.
But sitting around the old fireplace,
We would be as cozy as you please.

Grandma's pieces all spread out,
In such a bright array,
That we would soon forget,
It was a winter day.

There would be pieces, just as red,
As a robin's breast,
Or as blue, as the summer sky,
Or a bluebird on her nest.

Yellow pieces, just as bright,
As a July afternoon,
Or a softer yellow yet,
Of a harvest moon.

A bit of pink the color of,
A summer hollyhock,
Scraps left over from a forgotten,
Easter Sunday frock.

A pretty piece of lavender,
From grandma's summer dress.
Winter time and piecing quilts,
A time that I liked best!

Freda Fullerton
May 6, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fred's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is a picture of my cousin, Carol and our dog, Topsy,
Taken many moons ago. Next sunday is Mother's Day and
this week I will be sending out nostalgic poems and poems
about family and mother. This poem has been updated.

I wonder about the folks back home
And how they are today?
I wonder if the miss me very much,
Now that I've gone away?

I think about my old dog, Topsy,
And wonder if she'd know me still.
If she was me coming up...
that far and distant hill?

I think about all the walks,
I took, down by Cherry Creek,
And all the private plans I made,
That I went off to keep.

I haven't made my fortune yet,
Perhaps I'm on my way,
Still I miss the folks back home
And think about them each day.

I know the things I seek,
As through this world I roam,
Are not as important as the folks
That I left back home.

Many years have passed,
And Topsy is not there today.
And all the folks back home,
Well... they too have gone away.

But I shall see them all again,
I am sure, one day.
And it will seem like home again
And that they have never been away!

Freda Fullerton
May 5, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Make God the center of your life,
Let Him direct your way.
Make God the center of your life,
Talk to Him each day.

Make God the center of your life,
Praise Him for what He has done.
Make God the center of your life,
For He gave His only Son.

Make God the center of your life,
Give Him the glory for your success.
Make God the center of your life,
And He, your life will bless.

Make God the center of your life,
Plan for the return of His Son.
Make God the center of your life,
He'll take you home, when day is done!

Freda Fullerton
May 4, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

The well of faith,
Is the water of life to thee,
An everlasting spring,
That never runs dry, you see.

The well of faith,
You may draw upon,
When things go wrong,
And trouble comes along.

The well of faith,
Stands the test each day;
You may draw on the reserve
To help you along the way.

The well of faith,
Will see you through,
All your sorrows,
Help you face all your tomorrows!

Freda Fullerton
May 3, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Be like the willow tree
In the storms of life,
Bend without breaking,
When you experience strife.

Be like the willow tree,
Which flows with the wind.
Do not feel guilty,
Bending is not a sin.

Be like the willow tree
You're not compromising your lot,
If God has placed you there,
And His will you have sought.

Be like the willow tree
With its promises to keep,
As it seems to be weeping,
For others sorrows, weep!

Freda Fullerton
May 2, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!

Be a living testament.
In your daily life.
Be a living testament,
Depend On God in times of strife.

Be a living testament,
Helping someone along the way.
Be a living testament,
Each and every day.

Be a living testament,
When you struggle with ill health.
Be a living testament,
Putting others before yourself.

Be a living testament,
When someone hurts your heart.
Be a living testament,
And peace from you shall not depart.

Fred Fullerton
May 1, 2013