Monday, May 20, 2013

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden!
This is my farmer dad with one of his cows. Today would have
been his birthday, so the following poem is in his honor.

My daddy's hands,
Were a farmer's hands
That loved the soil,
Of the fertile lands.

My daddy's hands,
Were a musician's hands
That loved the tunes
Of the country bands.

My daddy's hands,
Were a carpenter's hands,
That were calloused and worn,
As the job demands

My daddy's hands,
Were hands that loved flowers,
Sweet-peas and roses,
He tended for hours.

My daddy's hands,
As my mind doth research
Were the hands that led songs
At a small country church.

My daddy's hands
Were all of these... understand,
They were the hands
Of a hard-working man!

Freda Fullerton
May 20, 2013

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