Friday, February 3, 2012

Freda's Garden

Welcome to my Garden:
Since February is "love" month I thought I would post this
cute card I saved from our granddaughter, Katie. Love will
conquer anger!

Anger conquers when unresolved.
It will eat at your very soul.
Anger shrivels up your life
And soon you're looking old.

Anger gathers momentum,
As long as it has a hold
And it will conquer love
That grow grows within your soul.

It will soon take over life,
If you allow it too...
You will think of nothing else,
Except your vengeance that is due.

Anger distorts the thought process
And warps our point of view,
So resolve it now...
Before it conquers you!

Freda Fullerton
February 3, 2012

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