Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Happy Valentine's Day!
This picture was taken a Home Town Buffet. They furnish a free meal
to those who have been married over fifty years. Real love is when you
have stoop shoulders, a wrinkled face, gray hair and you can still laugh at
stories you've heard a hundred times and you know nothing will part you,
but death...and you're still in love!

Real love begets real love.
What you send multiplies you see
And like a homing pigeon
It will come back to thee.

Real love...
Is honest and sincere
It has no false motives,
Wants the best for those it holds dear.

Real love...
Is based on real sacrifice
It puts others first,
To serve is to suffice.

Real love...
Seeks happiness, but not its own
It seeks others needs,
And to be a banner over house and home!

Freda Fullerton
February 14, 2012

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