Saturday, February 18, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
One of the rites of childhood is lying in the grass and looking up
into the sky and building a castle in the clouds. Never discourage
a child's dreams!

There are no rules for architecture
For a castle in the clouds, you see;
You just build on imagination,
So very merrily.

The foundation for your castle
Are fluffy clouds, so white,
Lightened by the sun in the morning
And the moon at night.

You have an impressive address,
Number One, Milky-way...
You want to climb right up to the stars
And in your castle stay.

So, never let those about you,
Discourage you in any way,
Keep your dreams before you
Building castles in the clouds each day!

Freda Fullerton
February 18, 2012

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