Monday, February 13, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is a picture of my dad with out two daughter's, Janet
and Julie. Now that dad is gone, I remember a lot of what he
said, but I remember more how he lived his life. I hope
when I'm gone that my children will remember more how
I lived, than what I had to say (and I have said plenty) When
they clean out my belongings, they will find poems, stories,
quotes and thoughts scribbled on scraps of paper everywhere!

Most kids will hear what you say,
Some kids will do what you say,
All kids will do what you do.
So be careful of your path today.

Most kids don't like a sermon
And they certainly don't want to hear,
How things were in your time,
They just want you to be near.

To live the truth, not just speak it,
To be honest with all that you meet,
To treat other's as you want to be treated,
This lesson, they just might repeat.

So if you want kids to be tolerant,
You must be tolerant too,
Kids may not always listen,
But they will do what you do!

Freda Fullerton
February 13, 2012

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