Friday, November 11, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is inside the "Shrine of Remembrance,"in
Melbourne, Australia. From the sky-light above
the sun shines on these words on the eleventh
month and the eleventh day and the eleventh
hour. Australia is a very patriotic nation.
Be sure to fly your flag today and don't forget
to thank God for your freedom and also thank
a veteran!

Today's poem is taken from 1 John-chapter 1

This is the message we have heard,
God is light to everyone.
If we walk in the darkness...
We do not know the Father and Son.

If we walk in His light,
We have fellowship with each other.
We will know His saving power
And have love for one another.

If we walk in His light,
He will make our joy complete.
He will help us withstand...
Every temptation that we meet.

Only the foolish say...
"I have no sin."
If we feel no need for God,
There is no victory to win.

If we feel a need for Him,
We know that all is not lost.
For grace was surely born,
Upon that cruel cross!

Freda Fullerton
November 11, 2011

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