Welcome to my Garden:
I'm not sure where we took this picture? I thought it was the "Old North Church,"
in Boston, but after researching it, I decided it is not, but it is a church in
New England. and we can certainly be thankful for the influence of Christianity
in America!
Can America be thankful,
When deceit reigns supreme
Where shame is a forgotten word
And debauchery is king?
When moral's are out-dated
And life has become cheep.
Crime is on the rise
Americans are afraid to sleep.
We put locks on our doors
And on our windows there are bars.
We move into gated communities
And hook alarms to our cars.
We teach our children to fear strangers
And seek unlisted telephones.
We seldom know our neighbors,
Or invite them into our home.
Today, we have it seems,
Unlimited communication
And yet, we live our lives
In guarded isolation.
American is on line,
Computers, touch-tone phones and such.
We can send a message around the world
And never feel a human touch!
Can America be thankful?
There is hope in this barren land.
A place where integrity is not just a word,
Where truth takes a stand.
A place where morals count
And sin is not a game.
Where life is very precious
And each is known by name.
A place with family ties,
Where love reigns supreme
And we know we have self-worth,
For we are children of the King!
We must share this message
With a world that needs so much,
To know about a Savior's love
And feel a human touch!
Freda Fullerton
November 24, 2011
Written November 1998
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
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