Thursday, November 17, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is Jim and me with part of our family. Our daughter, Janet,
Her husband Richard, our grandson, Russell and his wife, Jen
and our grandson Jeremy. We are as one would label, a family.
However we're much more than that, each of us are individuals,
with different interests, different talents and different dreams.

We put labels on people
And often times judge a crowd,
Not seeing each one separate,
Or seeing individuality endowed.

With separate hopes and talents
And dreams and visions too.
We just bunch them together,
That seems to be our view.

It's much easier to judge a crowd,
We don't have to get to know.
We don't have to face their problems
Or compassion for them show.

But as I think about my Savior,
Just how does He view me?
Am I a soul... an individual,
Or just part of the sea of humanity?

He does not see a mass production.
He knows each of us by name
He died for individuals...
That's what to this earth He came!

Freda Fullerton
November 17, 2011

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