Monday, February 14, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:

You hear so much these days about getting back to basics.
During the depression and some years after, there was no
getting back to basics, life was BASIC! On Valentine's Day,
no one could afford expensive candy or expensive flowers.
They were fortunate to have a few crayons, paper, a bit of
lace and glue to make a home-made valentine. In the
following poem, come with me down memory lane and
reminisce about a time when life was basic.

He wore overalls and brogans
And a flour-sack shirt.
She wore pig-tails, had freckles
And wore a calico skirt.

He liked crawfish, frogs and fishing,
Playing marbles and skipping rocks.
She liked baby chicks and little kittens,
Cookie baking and hollyhocks.

He liked to watch her walk
As she left the one room school.
She liked to take peek at him,
Plowing behind his old red mule.

That she was shy, there was no doubt,
And he, no love-sick fool,
But on the day of valentines,
They both forgot the rule.

She worked for days on his valentine
And put her heart right in it.
She boldly, dropped it in the box,
Her heart beating a mile a minute!

He worked for days, for pennies,
To buy her the store-bought kind,
That said  just what he could not say,
"Will you be my valentine?"

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.
Freda Fullerton
February 14, 2011

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