Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is a picture of our oldest grandson, Rich. He was two
and Pepper, the puppy was two months old. He was my dad's
puppy. The poem below was written for a baby shower Sunday.
The baby boy is yet unborn, so I changed the last line to fit those
of us who have had a boy or boys. I hope you can relate!

Little boys are:
A pocket of rocks, muddy shoes,
Jeans with a tear,
A dirty face, a toothy grin,
And uncombed hair.

Little Boys Love:
Rain puddles and puppies,
Playing ball and hide and seek.
And look like Angels,
When they're asleep.

Little Boys Hate:
Being still, taking naps,
They think both are such a waste.
Dressing up and eating vegetables,
Are just not to their taste.

Little Boys Will:
Steal your heart,
And sometimes make you cry,
They will stretch your patience,
And make you sigh.

Little Boys Are:
A gift from God,
And will certainly do.
Aren't you happy,
One happened to you!

Freda Fullerton
May 17, 2011

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