Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is a little village church in Vermont.

What can a man give in exchange for his soul?
Matthew 16:26

There was once a question asked
It's over twenty centuries  old.
What is there in life,
That man would exchange for his soul?

In answer to that question,
Some will boldly say.
"Don't think about tomorrow,
Just live for today.

Eat, drink and be merry.
Live it up my friend!
You don't don't have to worry
This world will never end!"

You don't always recognize old Satan
When he has his say...
But it's he that's doing the talking,
When someone talks that way.

He cares not if you suffer,
Or if your soul is lost in sin.
He will lie and cheat a lot,
Just so you'll let him in.

Your soul is something precious,
A very fragile thing...
No possession on this earth,
Is worth the exchange.

The soul is the most precious gift
God ere bestowed on man.
It is because of this great gift,
That a nail pierced His Son's hand!

Freda Fullerton
May 18, 2011

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