Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is our granddaughter Katie when she was little, getting
a hug from Pooh Bear at Disneyland.
My formula for world peace:
The countries that are fighting each other, cease fire and
go to Disneyland, get a hug from Pooh Bear, hug each
other! They become friends, instead of enemies!

I had rather be a friend,
Than to be a foe.
Why some pick on others,
This I'll never know?

Long ago, Christ proclaimed,
"I have come to bring peace."
If the world would listen
Fighting everywhere would cease.

If we offer love instead of hate
To people everywhere,
Wear a smile and not a frown,
To show others that we care.

We could  conquer much of the hurt,
Forlornness and strife,
That to so many people
Have become a way of life.

We could become the candle light,
That sets upon the hill,
If we practice the 'golden rule,'
Carry out God's will.

Desolation and loneliness,
We could surely end...
For no one in this life
Should be without a friend!

Freda Fullerton
August 24, 2011

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