Monday, March 14, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:

I love the Psalm. They so eloquently praise the Lord.
I have been inspired so much by them that I have written
many poems from the Psalm, and other Scriptures, as well,
as many song writers before me have done!  Today I would
like to start a series of poems on the Psalm.

Let The Earth Rejoice,
Clasp your hands, all nations rise.
Shout to God with joyous cries.

Let The Earth Rejoice,
How awesome is the Lord on high
Creator of heaven, earth and sky.

Let The Earth Rejoice,
For God is King of all the earth,
Sing songs of praises, hymns and verse.

Let The Earth Rejoice,
For God is seated on His Throne,
Exalted ruler over His own.

Taken from Psalm 47
Freda Fullerton
March 14, 2011

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