Welcome to my Garden:
This is the War Memorial At Pearl Harbor. Today marks the
seventieth Anniversary. Few thought after that crisis that peace
would reign again, but God has brought peace and prosperity
to both nations. Although we have been in and are still in crisis
with other nations.
Peace in crisis
Is what Christianity is all about.
Jesus prayed, "Father keep them in the world,
But the world in them, keep out."
We cannot withdraw from the world
And serve God effectively.
We must meet people where they are
And love them unconditionally.
Peace in crisis
Does not mean some ivory tower.
It means getting in the trenches,
Meeting God in prayer.
Peace in crisis,
Is trust in a living God
Who will be with us each step,
As through this world we trod.
Freda Fullerton
December 7, 2011
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