Friday, December 30, 2011

Freda's Garden

Welcome to my Garden:
This picture is out of our old KJ Bible. When Jim and I was first
married almost 58 years ago, I thought there were three things a
household had to have... A King James Bible, A Ball canning book
and a Sears Catalog and I set about ordering all three. We had this
same Bible as I was growing up and I always loved the pictures in it.

"Who ever said life was fair?"
Is a statement often made,
But that doesn't help
When with unfairness we are paid.

Our first inclination
When someone hurts us so,
Is to think it's "pay back time,"
We want them to know.

We must stop and think,
How would Jesus react...
When others were unfair,
Did He pay them back?

No! He forgave the unforgiving,
For the unloving, He showed care.
He wants us to be like Him,
Even, when life seems unfair!

Freda Fullerton
December 30, 2011


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