Saturday, December 24, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
I love this card from some dear friends. We announce the
birth of a child and so much care is taken, but the Christ Child,
the King of the universe, the Savior of the world had no
announcement or birth certificate written for Him!

Sing and rejoice...
Let us praise His Name,
For He is filled with glory
And forever He will reign.

Emmanuel... means God with us.
A promise to Israel of old
The never ending story
That the prophets foretold.

He was with the shepherds,
On that first Christmas day,
Not in the comfort of an inn,
But in a manger filled with hay.

There was no castle to welcome Him
On the day that He was born...
No certificate was written,
For that unforgettable morn.

But the angels did announce it,
So it shall ever be,
Emmanuel, God with us...
Sing and rejoice with me!

Freda Fullerton
December 24, 2011

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