Thursday, December 15, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is me trimming my Christmas tree yesterday.
I always take a trip down memory lane when I
trim the tree. I have ornaments from the children
when they were in school and from some of the
grandchildren and one from our great grandson
Sawyer. They are not all master pieces, but they
are special, for they were given in love! I have
some from many friends and coworkers. Some
from special people that are no longer with us,
some from my in Sunday School. I remember
each one as I place them on the tree.

It is time once again
To trim the Christmas tree.
And so many memories
Come flooding back to me.

Ornaments, from trips I've made.
A manger scene from Bethlehem
And a Santa Clause
From some German town.

A lot of ornaments...
From friends and family
I remember each one
As I place them on the tree.

Some, old and faded
From our first Christmas
Some lovingly homemade
That the kids and grandkids gave us.

Each one is very special
And as I place it on the tree
I'm thankful to my God
For the love and friendships He's given me!

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