Monday, January 2, 2012

Freda's Garden

Welcome to my Garden:
This is me, holding some red roses, a past Anniversary gift
from Jim. The 16th of this month, we will be married 58
years. We certainly invested in each others future all those
years ago, but it would not have been so successful without

Investing in the future
To some, will surely mean,
A financial  portfolio
Following the Wall-street scene.

Investing in the future,
Might mean keeping a broker occupied,
Building up your CD's,
Keeping a banker satisfied.

But to a Christian,
These things are second best.
It is in our Lord and Savior,
That we want to invest.

When we look to the future
It is not money that we see,
It is our hope in heaven
That occupies you and me.

We must tell others...
Who may want to invest in this claim,
That they must invest time and effort
In our Savior's Name!

Freda Fullerton
January 2, 2012

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