Sunday, January 22, 2012

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is Mirror Lake in Foridland National Park on the South Island
In New Zealand.

Are you a mirror image
Of Christ today?
Do you follow in His footsteps,
As you go along the way?

Do people see the image
Of Christ Jesus in you too?
Do you carry Jesus' imprint
In all you say and do?

When Jesus returned to the Father,
To His followers He did beseech,
To fulfill His promise
And be His hands and His feet.

By their fruits you shall know them,
So the Scriptures say...
It is not in some secret society
That Christians live today.

You must not only acknowledge Jesus,
Your very life must be
A mirror image....
Of the One who set you free!

And don't worry if you're not there yet,
like me, He's still working on you!

Freda Fullerton
January 22, 2012

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