Welcome to my Garden:
This picture is on some notes my daughter, Janet sent me for
Christmas. The Scripture mentions sanctification, which means set apart or
called out, as Christians, we are called to be different from this world.
Christians are ordinary people
Who serve an extraordinary Christ,
Who has paid all our debts,
With a none repayable price.
Christians are still sinners,
Who has had all their sins forgiven
A work still in progress...
With blessings from heaven.
Christians are, but servants,
Faithfully serving each other,
Putting others first...
Each sister and each brother.
Christians are ordinary people
Who are called right from the start
To be in the world...
Yet set apart.
Christians are faithful people,
On whom you can depend
And will always be there for you,
When you need a friend!
Freda Fullerton
January 20, 2012
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