Friday, April 1, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden.
Also welcome to April! A time to plant. We have out tomatoes
and zucchini squash. It is such fun to watch nature grow.

Our poem today is in the form of a question. "How can I be holy?"
"Be holy, because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16 is a command from God.
Do we with-draw from this sinful world?  Jesus prayed. ""My prayer is
not that you take them out of the world, but protect them from the evil
one." John 17:15 and another command from God. "Go and make disciples
of all nations." Matthew 28:19 We cannot do that if we with-draw from
the world.

Lord, how can I be holy?
Do I set myself apart?
Is it something others see,
Or is it purity of heart?

Lord, how can I be holy?
Must I live my life alone,
Absent from society,
For my sins to atone?

Lord, how can I be holy?
Is it a garment that I wear?
Must I wear a pious countenance,
To show I really care?

Lord, I think it is none of these
That you want from me.
I can never be holy,
Set apart from Thee.

Freda Fullerton
April 1, 2011

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