Monday, April 25, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:

After the resurrection and Jesus had appeared before
all the apostles, they were still confused. They must
have still been traumatized by the crucifixion and
even though they were happy to see Jesus alive, they
did not realize the full significance of it until the day
of Pentecost. Like all of us when we're troubled, we fall
back on what is familiar and comforting, Some of us
go shopping, some eat comfort food, some go running,
Peter, James and John went fishing. Jesus took this time
to prepare  a breakfast for them on the shore of the Sea
of Galilee. We spent a night in a Kibbutz in Tiberias, on the
on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Some of us woman had
a 5:00 Am wake-up call and went done on the shore of the
lake to watch the sun come up. We read the account of Jesus
fixing breakfast for the disciples. We watched a lone fishing boat
come in from a night of fishing and it looked so old, that I could
imagine it being there during Peter's day!
I was inspired to write the following poem:

Today, I watched the sun come up
Over Galilee,
I thought of all the things that Jesus did,
Around this very sea.

I saw a lone fishing boat,
In the early dawn.
I thought of how He had called to them,
Peter, James  and John.

How He had prepared a meal for them,
On this very shore,
Declared that He had died for them,
And would live forevermore!

I cast my eyes upon the water
And remembered, He walked on this very sea.
And He called unto Peter,
"Come walk with Me."

He stilled the raging waters,
With the words, "peace be still,"
And drove the demons in the swine,
Just on that distant Hill.

As I watched the sun come up,
Over Galilee...
All His words and deeds
Came alive for me!

"I'm going fishing,"Simon Peter told them
and they said, "We'll go with you. So they
went out and after a night of fishing they
caught nothing. Early in the morning Jesus
stood on the shore, but the disciples did not
realize it was Jesus. He asked them, "Friends
did you catch any fish? " "No," they answered.
He said "Throw the net on the other side."
When they did, they were unable to haul in the net
because of the large number of fish. Jesus said, "Bring
some of the fish you have just caught."
Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast."
John 21: 2-11

Freda Fullerton
April 25, 2011

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